Whale hunt

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We open by watching as a blonde lady paints her nails in an MS's cockpit.

We open by watching as a blonde lady paints her nails in an MS's cockpit

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???: *humming*

She looks at her fingernails.

???: Looks good! Anyway, I can't wait to eat that thing.


(Elaborate, right-the-fuck-now.)

She was talking about the Isaribi, which was being monitored by her MS's cams.

???: It looks like delicious boiled shrimp~

Now we see the Isaribi's hangar.

Ride: Hey, what happened?

Takaki: I don't know. I just know there was a stop signal.

Nadi: We've come so far away from Mars, but Gjallarhorn are sure working hard, aren't they?

Yamagi: The bridge is saying something about Maruba.

Nadi: Huhhh??? Maruba?

Ride: Is it going to be another battle?

Nadi looks up to the 3 MS that they had in the hangar.

Nadi: In any case, we just have to make it work. We don't know when a battle will begin.

Everyone: Yes, sir!

Nadi: Yamagi, how's yours?

Yamagi: I'll get it ready. It's better than that one.

He was talking about the Graze Akihiro used, that was now brown. (Or at least that's how I see it. Idk about y'all)

Nadi: Alright, thanks.

He turns to the other two.

Nadi: Takaki, Ride, we'll hurry too.

Ride: Will do!

We now go back to the bridge, were Maruba was still yelling at everyone.

Maruba: How dare you ride off with my ship!? You thief rats!

Orga: Eugene.

Maruba: Return my Will-O'-the-Wisp now!

They finally open the call so that they can also be heard.

Eugene: Look who's talking! The coward that ran away first!

Maruba: Who are you!? Orga. Get me Orga! Orga, stop the ship!!!

Biscuit turns to Fumitan.

Biscuit: Ms. Admoss. Can you analyze the LCS signal?

Fumitan: I'll put up the relative coordinates on the monitor. Direction: 180 degrees, distance 6,200. Their relative speed almost matches ours.

Biscuit: This is bad. They've taken up position on our aft.

Tekkadan worker: No way. There was no Ahab Wave reaction.

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