"They're working on some royal pack business, honey. Hey, where are all of the grandpups?" dad asked diverting her attention.

"They're upstairs in the playroom. What kind of royal business?"

"Are they doing anything fun up there? You know, I haven't seen them much today. Why don't we both play with them?"

"What? Hmm, yeah. That would be nice. I do need to get them ready for bed soon."

She turned and walked away with dad, who looked over his shoulder with a wink.

Harmony looked up from the journal, her eyes wide with curiosity. "So I guess the lunar eclipse is important."

"According to the accounts in there," I explained, "the lunar eclipse is essential for the ritual. The rays during the eclipse have a unique power that aids in breaking the bond between mates. That's why we have to do this tonight."

Harmony nodded, taking in the information. "I'm ready for this," she said with newfound determination. "Let's put an end to this abuse and start anew."

With Harmony's approval, I bottled up the liquid and put it on the patio table right outside the kitchen. I positioned the vial on a flat surface, ensuring it was directly in the path of the moon's light. The aroma of the mixture filled the air, it was sweet almost like a cross between honey, honeysuckle and lavender. As the sky outside gradually darkened, we knew it was almost time.

"The lunar eclipse is starting soon," Alastair announced, peering through the kitchen window. "We need to Alex."

"That's the tricky part," I grumbled. "We have to get Alex over here."

"Leave that up to me," dad said, coming back from his upstairs adventures. 

"What about mom?" 

"She reading the pups to bed. She should be busy for a while." 

"Do you want us to come with you?" Edmond asked, as dad headed out the door.

"Yeah, that would probably be beneficial."

"What do we do?" Ashley asked.

"We wait."

We sat around the table on the patio just staring at the vial. The sun finally sunk beyond the horizon and the moon was slowly climbing.

"This is fucking bullshit! You can't force me into anything!" 

We all jumped up at the sound of Alex screaming while being drug around the side of the house.

"I swear to Goddess, Alex, if you don't shut up and listen I will banish you from the pack. Do you understand?" Alpha Anwar growled at his son. "You have caused enough problems and I'm not about to risk anymore for you. You ungrateful brat."

Alex let out a howl as Alastair and Edmond followed by dad and Alpha Anwar followed close behind.

"What's going on?" mom asked, running out to us. "I heard Alex."

She stared wide eyed and the frenzied looking Alex and the rest of us standing around. 

"Why are you doing this to him?" she asked. "What are you all doing?"

"We're fixing a problem mom," I said.

"A problem? There is no problem. Let him go!"

"Mom," Harmony stepped forward. "You need to get out of this make believe world you're in and look around. There is a problem and most of it is because of Alex. He's not a good wolf, mom."

I could see the tears well up in her eyes. Harmony and I both stepped toward her, wrapping her in a hug. 

"It's okay that things aren't perfect. Life isn't perfect. That's why we're fixing it," I said softly.

She nodded, not able to say anything.

"Here it comes," Edmond pointed out.

The moon was now covered by the shadow, and only a faint reddish hue outlined its edges. The rays bathed the vial in an otherworldly glow, and we knew it was time.

"Harmony, Alex," I said, turning to them. "This is it. Drink from the vial together and, Harmony, say the passage with all your heart. Believe in the strength of your love and the power of this ritual."

"I'm not doing shit!" Alex spat out.

"Boy, drink it or I will make you."

"You can't do anything!" he screamed. 

"Watch me," Alpha Anwar growled.

Edmond and Alastair held his arms tight while dad held his head still. Harmony took a swig from the vial and handed it to Alpha Anwar. He pinched Alex's nose, forcing his mouth to open. Once it did, he dumped the contents down Alex's throat.

Taking a deep breath, Harmony began reciting the passage, her voice strong and unwavering. As the words filled the night air, we held our breath, hoping beyond hope that this would work.

"In the hallowed presence of the moon's guiding light, under the watchful eyes of the ancient spirits and celestial beings, I stand now, resolute and unyielding. The time has come to speak the words that shall break the unbreakable, to sever the mate bond that binds our souls together.

O cosmic forces that govern the tapestry of destiny, hear my plea! With Midnight Nightshade, I beseech thee to unlock the chains that shackle our hearts as one. Let the essence of this flower grant me the freedom I seek, as it dissolves the ties that bind me to another.

Moonstone Bloom, shimmering in the ethereal glow, lend me your strength! With your celestial power, weaken the grip of this bond, and grant me the autonomy that eludes me still. Let the luminous magic of your petals dissolve the intertwining threads that imprison my heart.

Luminaria, flowers of the heavens, illuminate my path! With your radiant light, guide this ritual to success. May your luminescence infuse the concoction with the brilliance of the stars and align the cosmic forces in my favor.

Dried sage leaves, pure and cleansing, purify this brew! Remove any lingering negativity that clouds the path to liberation. With your sacred essence, ensure that the spell remains true and untainted.

Wolfsbane, a symbol of transformation, lend your aid! In your powdered form, weaken the bond that defies my will. Allow the potion to penetrate the deepest recesses of the mate bond, unraveling its grip on my soul.

Essence of moonstone, distilled with care, fortify this potion! With your mystical power, amplify its potency and let it resonate with the celestial energies. May the essence of your lunar spirit be the catalyst that sets my heart free.

Pure silver, symbol of the werewolf's essence, blend your essence! Infuse the potion with the very nature of the supernatural world, strengthening its connection to the bond I seek to dissolve.

And now, as my blood mingles with this brew, let it signify my commitment! A sacrifice of self for the sake of my freedom. With this act, I consecrate my intent, affirming that I shall embrace whatever fate unfolds.

As the lunar eclipse approaches, I shall take the crystal vial in hand, containing the concentrated essence of my emancipation. In the moon's shadow, at the precise moment when the celestial alignment is complete, I shall unseal the vial and release its contents into the air.

O ancient spirits, guardians of the unseen realms, bear witness to my plea! Grant me the courage to face the consequences of this endeavor. With the breaking of the mate bond, may I find liberation and embrace the destiny that awaits.

I speak these words with reverence and conviction, knowing that my journey shall be one of uncertainty and transformation. The path I tread is steeped in mystery, but I shall embrace it with open heart and resolute spirit, for to break this bond is to reclaim the very essence of my being."

And then, just as suddenly as it had started, the lunar eclipse ended. The moon began to shine brightly again, and we looked at Harmony and Alex with anticipation.

"How do you feel?" Alastair asked, unable to hide his concern.

"I..." Harmony trailed off, looking at Alex with wide eyes. "I feel different. It's like a weight has been lifted."

Alex's face looked confused. "What happened?"

"The mate bond is broken," I said. "Harmony is free."

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