"Good morning, Donkey Gabi. Now that you've slept like a donkey, let's go downstairs as everyone is waiting for us." I say and quickly say, and jump from the bed, I kiss his head and run out of his room.

"MONA AMELIO, GET YOUR ASS RIGHT BACK HERE NOW!!!!!." I hear his voice, but I run away giggling.

If I can't sleep, then you too can't sleep!!

Revenge is always satisfying.


Lincoln's pov

"Quindi è così che ho finito per subire una punizione". I hear Oliver ranting his problem, due to which he got detention.

(So that's how I ended up having detention.)

"Devi concentrarti su te stesso Oliver, non sugli altri. Le altre persone non contano per noi, tu si." Mama says.

(You have to focus on yourself, Oliver, not on others. Other people don't matter to us, you do.)

People may think that our parents only love Mona. No, we may be in the Mafia, but we also have love, affection, and support from them like any other parent. Of course, handling 19 children is not an easy task, but they did it so perfectly.
The thing is, every coin has two sides, and just like that, every story has two sides. People come to a conclusion quickly without analysing the situation, and judging, analysing, are two different things.

We all 18 brothers are close to each other, we're the pillars, the foundation, and no one can break us. Family always comes first. I love my brothers and my sister with the bottom of my heart. They've been with me since the very beginning and will be with me until the end. My family is my priority, and I have the only girl in the family. Mona is the lifeline of everyone.

Our precious baby. Our Chocopie.

Speaking of Mona, she's sitting quietly but enjoying her breakfast, her eyes are shining, and her mouth is working fast on chewing the food. Her eyebrows frowning shows that she's loving the food.

I mean, who doesn't love meat first thing in the morning?

I hear some footsteps as I look upward and see a grumbling Gabriel coming downstairs.

He comes and sits on the chair, not before glaring at Mona.

"What pissed you today?" Monday asks.

"Mondayy, language." Mom scolds Monday as he apologises quickly.

"Nothing, just Mona woke me up saying you mom is pregnant again." He says, biting on his meat harshly.

I then see many family members choke and cough.

"WHAT?! Emily, are you pregnant?" Dad asks.

"WHAT NONSENSE ARE YOU SAYING? YOU THINK I WILL BE PREGNANT WHEN WE ARE NOT HAVING ANY SEX FOR THE PAST 3 MONTHS NOW?" Mom yells at dad, and the whole table goes silent, looking at mom and dad.

"Excuse me." Mona says and rushes from the dining room, her. . .flushed?

"Yup, enough breakfast for me today." Anthony says, dropping his meat, which was mid-air, to his mouth.

"Jeez, mom dad, who's stopping you both for 3 months?" Ethan teases them.

"We've been busy, but we might get something tonight." Dad says with a smirk on his face.

"God, just please stay protected." Levi says.

As we were going to tease our parents more. Mona comes rushing into the room.

She's their lifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon