Lincoln looked at her wide-eyed as he was drinking his OJ. The bus arrived.

"Sorry, I'm really cross with her. You know . . . with what she'll do to you," Lucy whispered as they entered the bus, "And all because she can't handle losing a stupid game."

"Yeah, well, she'll suffer plenty when her life is over after the hammer comes down. When it does, it'll come down hard . . . and one might say jail is better than how society will treat her once she gets out. Plus, it'll definitely hurt her when she gets permanently blacklisted from every sport," Lincoln whispered.

Lucy shrugged, "Couldn't have happened to a nicer person."

"Lucy, do you hate Lynn now?"

"I don't think very highly of her right now. I just want what will happen to be over so we can both move on with our lives. You said you'll get adopted by good people, right?"

"It's what I saw. While I'm not looking forward to our family falling apart, it will be nice to start over with something better . . . for both of us."

"The sooner, the better. You won't have to have a closet for a room any more or any sisters that'll treat you poorly or parents that neglect us because there's too many of us in that one house. Hopefully, you won't move too far away, and we'll figure out how to be together."

Lincoln nodded, "Yeah. Maybe work in the same town. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I'm a little worried for Lily, though."

"She'll be fine."

There was a long period of silence before Lucy asked, "How are things between you and our parents?"

"Mom's kind of the only one I talk to. I think she knows that she and Dad are distant, so she's reaching out to me more. I should be happy about it, but it's kind of too little, too late. Dad, however . . . it's mainly just 'hi' and 'bye.' Or at least that's all I say to him. He says stuff to me, mostly small talk about the weather and sports. You know, really dumb ways to try and connect with me, but I don't really say anything back. It's so awkward," Lincoln answered.

Lucy nodded, "I see."

"What about you? How are things between you and our parents?"

"Our older sisters are the ones that reach out to him and Mom more. Me and the younger sisters keep our distance," Lucy answered.

Lincoln nodded.

"I doubt things will get better," Lucy said.

Lincoln shook his head, "Probably not . . . and it won't matter."

Lucy held Lincoln's hand, and he gently squeezed hers.


"You're all going out of town?" Lincoln questioned.

"Yeah, my mom is taking me with her on a little business trip. It's only for a couple of days," Stella said.

"I'm gone for a week. My dads' are taking me to Hawaii," Clyde said.

Lincoln turned to Ronnie Anne, "You too?"

"Yeah, my mom is taking me and my brother to see our family in Great Lake City. I overheard her talking on the phone about getting a job in the city hospital. At least, I heard her saying she was thinking about it. If she takes the job, then we may move there. I'm really hoping it doesn't come to that," Ronnie explained.

"Well, fingers crossed," Lincoln said.

"The bad luck incident won't likely happen while we're away because baseball season hasn't started yet, but if it does or if for whatever reason you can't stay at your house, you need somewhere else to stay, you can come to any one of our homes. Which one is closer to Lincoln's house again?" Stella asked.

"Mine. Do you remember where the spare key is?" Clyde questioned.

Lincoln nodded.

"Good, and I showed you where mine is, and Stella, you did the same for your house?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"I did. Something happens; just go to any of our houses, okay?" Stella questioned her boyfriend while holding his hands.

Lincoln nodded again, "Okay."

"Good," Stella said before kissing him and hugging him.

The four enjoyed their free time in recess together.

"Lincoln, I've been meaning to ask. I know college is a long way from now, but since you can see into the future, what will you do career-wise?" Clyde asked.

"Well, I've put some thought into that, and since my art has improved, I was wondering if I may try to be a comic book artist . . . and I was wondering if you wanted to do that with me," Lincoln said.

Clyde's eyes widened with a smile, "Make comic books together? You and me? That would be awesome!"

"I thought I should ask because, honestly, Clyde, you're real smart. So, I think you could do anything. For us to make comic books, we could take turns being the artist or the writer. Although, I got a feeling you'd tell a better story. Also, I got a feeling that you'd be a therapist like Dr. Lopez since you know how to help people," Lincoln explained.

"Aw, thanks, buddy," Clyde said while hugging his best friend. He broke the hug and continued, "Also, you'd tell great stories because you're really smart. Some of my intelligence comes from you, Lincoln. So don't doubt yourself."

Lincoln smiled at that.

"Do you really think I could be a therapist?"

"I think you could be anything. As far as what you're interested in, what you're good at, what you want to be, that's all your decision to make. I've got a few ideas for comic books I'd like to make after . . . you know, it's over with. I hope to work for a comic book company and make cool comics like Ace Savvy. If I'm lucky, maybe it would be a show."

"I think it could, and I'd like to work with you on that."

The two boys smile confidently.

"I'd definitely be a cop. Maybe a state trooper," Ronnie Anne said.

"What about a detective? Would you be that?" Stella asked.

Ronnie Anne shrugged, "Maybe. What about you?"

"I haven't decided yet, but I'll find something."

The bell rang, and they returned to class. The rest of the day seemed fine. When Lincoln got home, he watched Operation Desert Storm. Despite everything that's happened, Lincoln still found days or at least moments when everything felt normal.

However, that night what came was anything but ordinary. Lincoln, still asleep, was panting while tossing and turning. His heart rate accelerated, and his body was in a cold sweat at what he was seeing. He mumbled and spoke lightly.

Future Lincoln, cloaked and invisible, watched from a nearby tree.

"Yep. It's going to happen real soon, little me. Once they buy that stupid dress, the worst in them will come out. There's no way you'll let either future happen, which is why you'll run. I'm real sorry about all this, but trust me," Future Lincoln summoned a light orb, "It'll be worth it in the end."

The light orb he summoned showed Lincoln in bed, surrounded by all his sisters. They were crying their eyes out as tears streamed down their faces as they group-hugged Lincoln. 

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