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A/N whenever I put up ' I Wanna Be Yours' in the chapters is because I'm shipping the pairing so hard.

            The students were all walking back to the school , the tension brimming between them. Yu Jung looked at Tae Man , fluttered that he came to her defense earlier.

                 Nara walked up  to Ting , "you didn't have to do that you know? "

               Ting just rose a brow at her , "Hee Rak just gets on my nerves ," he sent the boy a evil stink eye before looking back at Nara , "he wasn't just disrespecting you but also Jang Soo and Young Soo." That part was maybe a lie ; Ting knew he got defensive of Nara at the remark.

                Nara just smiled at him , "we can't be fighting amongst each other. Remember that." She patted his arm and Ting's brain could only recorded how he felt by the mere contact.

                   The students were in for a surprise when they arrived for lunch and instead of the luxurious breakfast they had earlier - it was something completely different.

               Yeon Ju sat down with a frown on her face ," is this broth soup?"

                  "The bread's so stale." Duk Joong and Hana exclaimed looking at the bread on disgust.

                Tae Man swallowed some of the broth before choking on it , "it's so salty."

            "You're right." Youngshin's face scrunched up in disgust after taking a taste , "it feels like someone put their dirty socks in this."

              Bora then proceeded to look at him as if he were an idiot , "then why taste it?" He just rolled his eyes in response.

                  Soon Yi spat hers out making Jun Hee and So Yeon scream in disgust while the others scooted away .

                 "DID YOU HAVE TO SPIT IT OUT NEXT TO ME!"

                 Soon Yi gulped on some water before shrieking ,"Mine isn't even salty! It's just bitter!"

                Yeon Ju turned to Yu Jung, "This is nothing like breakfast."

               "Exactly." Ting , Tae Man and Duk Joong pouted pushing the plates away from them.

                 II ha sneered , "Our families did not spend a million on our tuition just for these people to feed us this sloppy garbage."

                        Younghoon pushed his plate aside , " as much as I would like to deny it," he faced II ha ,"you're right. "

             Master Kim then walked in with his ever smiling self , "I hope you're enjoying your meal?"

                    "Is he messing with us?" Hee Rak scoffed and all the teenagers looked  at the adult as if he were stupid - did he seriously ask them such a obvious question.

                   So Yeon raised her hand , "Master Kim. Can we speak to the Chef? Can they cook us something new?"

            "Why isn't this just like breakfast?" Yu Jung asked.

            As usual , Master Kim smiled , "All food is the same. If you don't eat , then you'll have to put up with your hunger untill dinner."

              Groans of frustration were released. Ting fought the urge to hit himself with the spoon.

               "Does this mean, dinner will be the same?" Younghoon ,Yeon Ju and So Yoon asked while the rest dreaded the possible answer.

PRISON (HOME SCHOOL X DAS)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang