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Hehe. Like the title says. Episode 5 is one  of my favorite home school episodes so it's fun using Duty After School characters into the scenario. If GEN6 met the same fate as platoon two , I think only Maki , Nai , Pennhung, Mek and Biw would be the only survivors .

          "RUN FASTER IF YOU WANT TO PASS THE EXAM!" The sportsman shouted at the three students who were taking the Phyiscal Education exam. The adult in the running lead while the three struggled to catch up.

             "Master! Hold up!"  Jang Soo panted while struggling to keep up , "man! He's so fast."

           "What does he eat for breakfast! Steel?" Tae Man complained feeling his legs turning into jelly trying to catch up after the man.

             "Shut up and run!" So Yoon shouted and ran faster than the two boys while exhausted herself resulting in her being in the lead.

              "WHAT DO YOU EAT FOR BREAKFAST!"  Both boys complained and started to increase their pace to atleast outrun So Yoon.

                 "JUST TRY AND KEEP UP!" She shouted at the two boys behind her while pursuing the Sports Master who was ahead. All three determined to outrun the master and win.

                 Meanwhile with those sitting for the History exam , time was definitely not on their time as the three  teenagers quickly shaded on their answer booklet barely having enough time to read a question let alone throughouly understand it .

              "Tick tock ," the grumpy History Master gestured to the sand clock , "you have twenty minutes left . But hurry up."

                 "You're enjoying this very much aren't you."  Jun Hee gritted through her teeth glaring at the man who smiled smugly.

                  "I'm actually ." He looked at the three , "let's see who finishes first before the last grain of sand falls."
                 "Hong Jun Hee," Youngshin stared at the only girl in the room , "focus on your paper."

            Jun Hee nodded and went back to shading the possible answers on the answer booklet just how could they expect them to finish hundred questions in under thirty minutes.

                Youngshin , was doing his best to apply speed up and accuracy while he wrote his paper wondering if  the other exams were just as unbearing and unreasonable as this one. But yet again , Home School did love to test them alot , so Cho Youngshin increased the pace neatly shading the answer boxes.
                  Younghoon mentally blocked and drowned out the sound of the others , a skill he had developed over the years. He gripped his pencil tightly his mother's words ringing loudly in his head ; He was of the Jang family - He could handle pressure whatever form it came. He had to come out number one just like his mother always scolded and lectured him to. He has to come out NUMBER ONE in this exam and prove himself worthy of the Jang surname.

                  "I really have no idea how to wrap my brain around this ," Ting rubbed his brown fluffy hair  with his his pencil with a baffled expression he looked at the girls, "just how do we solve this."

                     "I don't know ," Nara frowned looking at the only boy in the exam room . She turned to Yani who was sipping on tea , "she said there is no error with the exam so this is how it's supposed to be."

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