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"Love is born into every human being; it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature. Each of us, then, is a 'matching half' of a human whole... And each of us is always seeking the half that matches him."

- plato


At night, as Karna returned to the forest, he felt a surge of adrenaline, prompting him to survey the area quickly and thoroughly. He began investigating the area of the tree where the bloodstains were found and discovered disturbing details. However, a police officer caught sight of him and moved to handcuff him, ignoring Karna's pleas of innocence and explanations. He spent the entire night behind bars. As the dawn of a new day arrived, Karna found himself liberated on bail. Stepping out of the police station, his gaze fell upon a young woman standing resolutely on the steps; her presence seemed mysterious and curious. She discussed everything she wanted to, and they finally came to an agreement to take down the man behind all these...


Amid a difficult day, Karna sought solace in a bar with low lighting, drowning his sorrows in drinks. As he consumed more alcohol, he began to experience dizziness and began to see things that stressed him, in addition to hearing voices. Some bad guys, who had previously been beaten by Karna, began attacking him, leaving him in the middle of the road. When Karna awoke, he was having a hard time putting together the pieces of the puzzle of his memories. The events that had unfolded were nothing more than shadows in his shattered mind, but he became the subject of a broad media spotlight. However, Karna remained emotionless and unconcerned with the craze that was circulating about him on social media. There is only one thought running through Karna's mind: "What the fuck happened here?" Karna gives up trying to find an explanation, looking too exhausted to care, and goes for a walk to get some fresh air.

Karna suddenly realised, as he was walking slowly up the hill, "Shit, I just forgot to ask her name (the girl he encountered at the police station)." With a smile on his face, he began to feel the fresh air and observe the surroundings. Karna's eye was drawn to a girl he saw in the park while walking. He paused for a moment and fixed his gaze on her. He realised after making a close observation that the girl at the park was the same one, he saw at the police station. How fortunate he was that she showed up while he was thinking about her, he thought to himself. He just stood there, catching sight of her graceful presence near the tranquil lake. She was working out like she was preparing herself ready for a fight. He was so focused on her that he momentarily lost track of his intended destination. He keeps on discreetly observing her. Eventually, after some time, she left the area. Grinning, Karna turned and began to walk up the slope. He felt that she would be the one for him.

Karna moves up the slope and reaches the top. The breeze felt good, and there was a really nice bench beneath a large tree. Karna pulled out the new phone while sitting on the bench. Since his phone is with Vrindha, he inserted his SIM card. The SIM card is all he has. With a feeling of anticipation, he then dialled Vrindha's phone. Then he waited for her, taking in the view of the city from the top of the hill and the refreshing breeze. Not soon enough, Vrindha showed up. She walked gracefully over to sit with him on the bench.

Karna gave Vrindha the newly purchased phone and grinned lovingly. As she saw the thoughtful gift, her eyes glowed with sheer enjoyment, the glitter mirroring the happiness in her heart. She was overcome by the gesture and found it difficult to speak, although her shyness made her all the more charming. After a moment of hesitation, she said, "Is this... your favourite spot?" in a curious tone. Her innocent curiosity caught Karna off guard, and he couldn't help but respond with surprise, "How did you know?" Captivated by his genuine curiosity, Vrindha answered with a hint of magic in her voice, "Your eyes... they seem to sparkle, and your heart seems calm and content. When you were here, you looked completely different. I mean, not in angry mode... oh, sorry." Her adorable smile dissolved any lingering awkwardness, leaving only an air of tender connection between them.

Facing her, Karna opened his heart to the fullest and explains, "You were right, you know... This place. holds a profound significance for me. Look ahead; the entire city appears little, the air is fresh, the birds are chirping, and the city is illuminated at night. It takes more than two eyes to fully appreciate its beauty."

Then, while he was continuously talking, he started to share the painful parts of his past. "Tragedy struck me at a tender age. My parents were long gone in an accident before I could walk, and my brother died when I was 12 years old. Since then, it's been lonely—a journey through the shadows. Sitting here makes me forget about everything, and my problems appear to be as distant as this city. There is nothing new to tell you about my life, because you already know everything about me. From the beginning until the present, every time I was hit by something or suffered an accident, I ended up at the hospital, and you always treated me well. You're aware of my delusions and the crooks I can only see. I've always wanted to say it, but I never did. These delusions never appeared in two places: one right here and one... with you. Whenever I was with you... I mean, I am with you mostly in the hospital (with a smile), I... never saw my illusions. I'm not sure why, but I'm eternally grateful to you." He paused his words with vulnerability.

They were just discussing without even watching at the time. The sun is setting, but the talk isn't finished. Karna wanted to share something about the girl he met. So with a voice of strength, he continued, "And one more: I met a girl; she appears gorgeous... Not more than you... But she desires vengeance and needs assistance. That makes me somewhat sad, like if anything happens to her, it's on me... As you know, the murder on the bridge and at the forest. It's horrific. So I don't want to loose anyone anymore. As I am no longer a police officer, the few who once stood by my side have forgotten about me. Finally, I was left alone once again. That's why I reached out to you; I have the impression that someone is with me. Can you please bear me this one day...?"

Touched by his sincere remarks, Vrindha smiles and looks him in the eye with compassion. Their talk went on far into the night. At that moment, they enjoyed each other's company, admiring the blossoming connection between them. Following a full day of conversation, they had dinner, and then Karna walked Vrindha home. Karna waves Vrindha goodnight after she enters her house and turns to face the fluctuating floodlight in that dark street. It gradually stops fluctuating, giving light to the Karna. With a smile, Karna walks away.

D.I.E - DEATH IN EXERTIONWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu