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A psychopath is a self centered, callous and remorseless person profoundly lacking in empathy and the ability to form warm emotional relationships with others, a person who functions without the restraints of conscience.

- Robert Hare


At a point, Karna couldn't distinguish between hallucinations and reality, so he chose to consume alcohol to calm himself. After drinking a bit too much, Karna decided to get some fresh air. He noticed a mall nearby and remembered that he'd broken Vrindha's phone. He went into the store and bought a mobile phone. But as he settled into his car, he turned on the radio for some company. Then he heard the news was shocking: a murder had occurred on the town's outskirts, deep within the forest. The details were horrifying. In the forest, as he moved forward, he suddenly stopped: blood on a tree nearby, casting a dark shadow over the people gathered there. The crime was indeed horrific and cruel; the officers realised an exorcism had happened here, where the victim was the sacrifice; it simply left everyone in shock.


Everyone there was perplexed by the eerie scenes, but the officers sprang into action, searching for clues in the blood samples. Karna, aware of his suspension and the attention drawn to him by the journalists, knew he couldn't stay any longer without facing consequences. He promised himself to return at night when security would be laxer. Later, at night as he returned to the forest, he felt a surge of adrenaline, prompting him to survey the area quickly and thoroughly. He began investigating the area of the tree where the bloodstains were found and discovered disturbing details. It dried his mouth as he saw the insignia of witchcraft. However, police officer caught sight of him and moved to handcuff him, ignoring Karna's pleas of innocence and explanations.

As the dawn of a new day arrived, Karna found himself liberated on bail. Karna, still groggy from sleep, stared in shock and confusion. Karna thinks to himself, "Who on earth want me out? Don't have much friends he cares about me. So who can it be?" Stepping out of the police station, his gaze fell upon a young woman standing resolutely on the steps, her presence seems mysterious and curious. He approached her out of curiosity, his voice filled with cautiousness and asks her "Why...? Who...?"

A heavy silence descended as they locked eyes. The woman's gaze held a weight of sorrow etched alongside a burning resolve. Finally, she spoke, her voice thick with emotion. "I'm the sister of one of the victims, murdered by that cable bridge psychopath. My brother..." She choked back a sob, pausing for a moment to compose herself, "he was innocent... Didn't deserve such a horrific death. No one does. I tried everything to solve this case myself, but I was outmatched. So, with nowhere else to turn and with no shame," she looked at him with a desperate plea, "I came to you for help. Please..."

Karna saw a reflection of his own drive in her fierce determination. It sparked something within him, a sense of purpose. But just to be cautious. "Why me?" he asked. Her answer was quick and direct. "I've observed the officers here. You're the most ruthless, the most relentless. Exactly what this case needs. Please help me gain my revenge."

Karna's harsh laughter echoed in the air. "Revenge?" He scoffed. "What's become of you, of everyone? Don't you see the cycle? Seeking vengeance only digs a deeper hole for everyone involved, you included. Killing him won't bring your brother back. It won't end this madness. If you want me on this case," his voice turned steely, "give me a reason. A real reason why I should believe you."

Her remarks had a hint of irony as her lips curled into a smirk. "Killing him won't bring my brother back? If you truly believed that my commitment was that weak, then what should I actually believe in? you? A policeman who failed to prevent the doing of two horrifying acts? And one more thing about the term belief... Does that word still hold meaning in a world like ours? It feels like an endangered species. I, too, have lost everything, and this thirst for revenge grants me nothing but satisfaction. I don't expect you to blindly trust me, but let us consider joining forces."

She continued, "I don't believe in line. "Justice will come to you. Maybe it takes time, but it will..." I am sick of these lines, thinking they would bring peace to my brother. Even if my brother finds peace, I won't because I have to live in this garbage world where I will always remember the people who died. Yes, the only thing that can bring me peace is revenge. Because I will be able to rest easy at night knowing that I have slain the man who killed my brother and that I have prevented more crimes from occurring."

"Don't get me wrong," she pressed, taking charge of the conversation. "I'm not asking you to be my sidekick. We can make a deal. I have information on these crimes, stuff that could crack the case wide open. And you? Have a desire to take all these psychos down." Karna observed her smile fade away and her face get dark, almost as if she were scared of something devious.

"Listen closely," she said, her voice firm. "Based on what I've found during my investigation, these attacks won't stop. They'll get worse. There aren't just two killers—it's a whole group of them! Twisted minds are working together. And they answer to someone—some mysterious leader. A dangerous man so bad, even the psychos are afraid of him, and in the fear, they follow his orders. They call him "The King, alias The Alligator.""

Karna hesitantly asked, "Why should I lend a hand? I've left behind the life of a police officer, seeking solace and peace. What makes you think I would willingly entangle myself in this case?"

The woman met his eye and said, "If you are not interested in solving the case, you will never come to the forest to look around secretly at night." In that moment, Karna understood the truthfulness of her words and observed the weight of her guilt and sorrow on her feeble shoulders. Karna replied, "You are right... Yes, there is no belief in this world; it is just a stupid word they use to hide behind their cowardice... Don't believe anyone, not even me... Let's take down that man, whatever he is, so called a King or Alligator."

She and Karna felt relieved that this conversation had occurred. Karna embarked on a perilous path, where trust was a rarity and a lot of secrets were to come.

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