Sabito: Patience & Honesty.

Start from the beginning

You looked at him, trying to find any hints that he was lying or if it was a trap but... He... Looked genuine. "...You... Do you promise?" you asked, a stupid thing to ask but... It's something you can cling to. A glimmer of hope... and... Trust. He nodded his head, you hesitated for a moment but you soon took his hand. His grip on your hand was a little tight, as if afraid you'd dissappear... 

"We're going to Kyoto. It's where he is, I'm sure he told you too..." Sabito spoke up, "I... Don't think so...? I-I don't remember..." you replied. Sabito only hummed in response, "I saw Blake near the Shrine, he must be worried and is looking for you." he informed you, you didn't reply as you continued to follow him. 

-Sabito's POV-

I was holding her hand, it was cold... She must be so scared... Haa... If only I did that earlier... But whatever, what's important is that I'm going to take her to safety. This... Will definitely be the last time I ever get to touch you and talk to you... Ah... It hurts.

I should just knock her out, and take her to my house. I can tie her to the bed so she wouldn't be able to escape. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to make her fall for me... I'll take good care of you... I'll do everything around her house... I wonder what kind of clothes I should buy for her and what food she likes... If it's just us two, I'm sure she's going to open up to me... I'll be her lover and... and...

No, I shouldn't do that. She won't be happy.

Ah, my heart hurts. I feel conflicted, I want you to stay with me but I also want to make you happy... I don't want to break the trust you've given me... I-I won't do it...

I let out a deep sigh, as soon as we arrive at the Shrine... You'll... You'll leave me here... The world will restart and... I don't know if I'll even be able to remember you once the world restarts... I don't want to forget you, I don't want to forget this... I... I...

"Sabito...?" My thoughts were cut off as soon as she called my name, I turned to her. "Thank you..." she told me. My eyes widened a little, "Yeah... You... You're welcome." I replied, fuck... why did I say it like that? I hope I didn't sound suspicious or anything... I don't want her trust in me to falter...

We were almost near the Shrine, if... I lead her to the right, then my house is right ahead... If I lead her to the left then... She can escape and finally meet Blake...

I should just lead her to the right, she won't notice. She'll never know until we arrive at our home... The first few months would be rough but once I gain her trust again... She'll fall in love with me and we can get married... Grow old in this world with just us two... Just us... Just us.

"S-Sabito..." she stuttered as she called out my name, I could feel her grip on my hand tightening. "Are we near the Shrine yet?" she added. My breath hitched.

I led her to the left, where the Shrine was just straight ahead.

"Yeah, we're almost there." I replied. Fuck... What the hell are you thinking Sabito...? I shouldn't break her trust but... It's getting harder not to just... Take her back to my house. Fuck... I can't I... I don't know what I'd do without her... Letting her leave means that I'll be letting her go... I could feel my chest tightening. It was getting hard to breathe...

My feelings for you are strong... I want you to stay with me... With... just us in this world... But no, I refuse to do that. I place you above all else, your feelings and what you want are my priority... If you want to leave, I'll help you... even if it hurts me. I don't care if I regret it, although I'll never ever regret it... You... You're so special to me...

I dreaded this moment, the moment we would arrive at the front Shrine. "If you go up the stairs, I think you can find him there..." I let go of her hand, She looked at the stairway of the Shrine, she was about to walk the first step but turned to me. "What about you? Aren't you also going to come?" she asked. I shook my head into a no, "No, I'll stay here." I replied. There was a moment of silence as she looked up the stairwell and then back at me.

My eyes widened a little as she walked up to me, "...Four..." She held out her hand, waiting for a high five, I let out a small laugh, "Lifers..." I replied as I gave her a high five. There was a moment of silence again, I pressed my lips together into a thin line. Trying to contain the tears, trying not to make it obvious I didn't want her to go, to leave... "...Can I hug you?" I asked, my voice breaking mid-sentence.

She stared at me for a moment before nodding as she opened her arms. I'm sure she noticed my facial expression... I didn't care if my sadness is evident on my face. I quickly pulled her into a tight hug, I could feel her body twitch in surprise, she must've not been expecting me to hug her so tightly...

I just... Want to touch her, to smell her scent, heck even kiss her but I know that'll never happen... I just want to feel so... so close to her... one last time... I buried my face in her neck, God I love you so much... I love you Y/n... I love you... It hurts to let you go but... I don't care if it hurts me anymore. What's important is You... Just... Just You... Your safety and happiness.

"I love you..." I mumbled.

She didn't seem to understand it, she only rubbed my back for comfort. "Y/n!" I heard another voice, I pulled away from the hug to see Blake at the top of the stairwell. "Blake...!" The tone of her voice sounded relieved and glad. She was about to go up the stairs but I stopped her, "Be careful..." I informed her.

She looked at me for a moment, and she gave me a small smile... It seemed... Genuine... "Thank you... Thank you so much Sabito..." she replied. I watched as she headed up to meet Blake. Blake's gaze on me felt... a little harsh. I understand though, he's wary of me. I didn't mind it. I watched them as they left and soon... They were out of my view.

I stood there, in front of the stairwell. Just... Waiting... Praying... That Y/n would pop up... That... That... Who the fuck am I even kidding...? I'm sure she's already gone and is back to her world... Fuck, I don't even know how long I've been standing here... If she's really back to her own world then... I'm glad. If... The world restarts, would... Would I even be able to remember her...?

"I want to remember her... I want to... I don't want to forget her." I mumbled, I felt something wet rolling down my cheek... Ah... Am I... Crying...? Throughout the years I've lived in this world I... I never cried... What... What if the world makes me forget this...?! My... Memories... With her, the only thing I can hold onto, the only thing I have to remember her by...

"I... I... Please... Make me remember her when the world restarts... Don't make me forget please... I'll act normal once the world restarts just don't make me forget her! Don't make me... Forget her!! I WANT THE REMEMBER HER...! DON'T TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME!!" I shouted like a madman, No one was around, no one was here to even listen... I glanced at the road, it seemed to be fading. "Ah... The world will restart again..." I mumbled, my lips quivered in fear...

"I don't want to forget you..."

-Time Skip-

-3rd Person POV-

"Another day that seems to be the same..." Sabito says as he sat next to Giyuu at lunch break. "Who do you think she's going for now? I don't think I've encountered her yet." Sabito asked, Giyuu shrugged. "I only pay attention if she's ever going to my route." he replied. Sabito let out a small laugh, "It's probably Tanjirou." Sabito joked.

As Giyuu and Sabito conversed, his eyes couldn't help but glance at someone familiar... There she was, Y/n, she walked inside the cafeteria with Minikui. Sabito could feel his heartache as soon as his eyes laid on her. 'Why... Why does my heart ache at the sight of her?' Sabito was confused... It was just... Y/n after all. She wasn't someone he held affection for.

Sabito watched her as she bumped into Muzan, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry Sir Kibutsuji!" she apologized to him as she frantically bowed. "No need for apologies." Muzan replied. As soon as he heard her voice... and... What she said, he couldn't help but let out a small smile. The aching in his chest slowly subsided as he felt happy... relieved... there was warmth in his chest.

"I feel happy... I wonder why... It's just Y/n saying a scripted line..." He mumbled, not knowing that he was unconsciously happy that the one he loved had succeeded in her escape.

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