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"turn around, look at what you see. in her face, the mirror of your dreams. rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds." max and lucas harmonized, mocking poor dustin with the song he sang to suzie the night it happened. yeah, apparently suzie's real!?

it had been three months after the battle of starcourt, and unfortunately, the byers' were moving all the way to california. sam could understand why joyce wanted to get away from this hellhole, but it still sucked. royally, too. sam was confused why max was singing and dancing when she was just weeping about her brother in the bathroom just a few hours, but to each their own.

"wait, did we get that verse right? it's "unfold behind the cloud"?" max narrowed her eyes, tilting her head up. "yeah, but you're butchering it, so could you please stop?" dustin gave them a look. currently, the four were in the living/dining room, slowly setting things into boxes. sam and dustin were the only serious ones out of the quadruplets, actually getting stuff done. but just because sam was actually doing her job, didn't mean that she was doing it quickly.

her fingers had been tender from all the fresh string scars on her hands from her guitar. yes, you heard me correctly. sam harrington plays fucking guitar. it had only been a week after the incident, and sam knew she needed to get out of the house, so she did. she was walking around hawkins, trying to get her mind off of everything when she stumbled upon a music store, guitars for sale. and the moment her eyes latched onto that magnificent beast of an instrument, she felt a tug in her heart telling her to get it.

so she did.

right now, she was learning take on me. it was max's favorite, and she wanted to surprise max and make her happy since sam couldn't herself. she hasn't quite mastered it yet, but give her time.

"so then join in dusty-bun." lucas blew an air kiss in dustin's direction. "yeah, come on, dusty-bun, why don't you join us?" max teased, grinning a bit as sam rolled her eyes. "you guys are so funny, you should be on carson." dustin joked, but it was more of a deadpan than anything. "can't we just hear your rendition?" max asked, quirking an eyebrow up."

"no." dustin rejected, giving max a side glance. "please? just one verse?" max begged, sam setting a folded rug into a box. "no! no way. it's reserved for suzie's ears and suzie's ears alone." dustin exclaimed, widening his eyes. the pair ignored him, starting to harmonize again. sam face palmed. lucas was clapping along to the beat as dustin raised his middle finger, swaying it around while giving them a blank look.

as dustin begged them to stop, sam got onto her feet. she was wearing a simple pair of baggy jeans and a heavy, brown sweater with a tiny mushroom below the collar that practically engulfed her whole as she walked over to will, who emerged from the hall. he had just finished a conversation with mike, and now he was walking back down the hall towards his old room.

sam followed in behind him. "so, you all
packed up?" sam questioned as she looked around the bare room with the brown carpet. will nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. sam sighed, hoisting her thumbs in her jean pockets. "i remember a few years ago we had a sleepover, just you and me, and your mom made us keep the door open because we were different genders. it's a good thing we're gay as fuck." sam looked at will's closet, specifically up in the top shelf, where her and will sat and ate ritz crackers while gossiping about teachers.

ah, how times fly.

sam looked over her shoulder. "you think we could still fit?" sam questioned, will chuckling softly while walking over next to her. "ha, no." will deadpanned, grinning. sam shrugged. "you'll never know until you try, right?" sam questioned. when they were younger, they used a bin and a step stool to get up, but now that they were taller, they could probably push themselves up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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