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"down, down, down!" sam exclaimed into dustin's ear. "i'm going!" he yelled back. "i'm going, i'm going, im going." he mumbled after the 3 boys and 1 girl yelled at him. they all yelled at him before he yelled
"shut up, shut up, shut up!"

they all watched as dustin's character got flame broiled by the dragon. "no, no, no!" he yelled. "no, no, no! i hate this overpriced piece of bullshit! son of a bitch! piece of shit!" dustin exclaimed, hitting and kicking the arcade game in rage.

"you're not nimble enough. but you'll get there one day." lucas calmly stated. "but until then, princess daphne is still mine." sam chuckled. "you wish, bozo." she huffed, playfully slapping him.

"whatever, i'm still top on centipede and dig dug." dustin proudly stated it which sam just giggled to. "are you sure?" she asked, just as keith walked up to them. all of them ran over to dig dug, except for sam who just walked because she already knew. "no, no, no, no, no.." he mumbled as he ran over.

"no! no! noooo!.." he cried in defeat. "751,300 points!" will exclaimed, all hovering over dustin's shoulder. "who's madmax?" dustin asked, wanting to know who beat his highscore. "better than you." keith simply replied, making sam laugh, but dustin flipped him off.

"is it you?" will asked. keith scoffed. "you know i despise dig dug." keith reminded, eating another cheeto puff. "then who is it?" lucas asked, practically begging. "yeah, spill it keith." dustin growled. "you want information, then i need something in return." he said, cheekily smiling. everyone turned to mike.

"no, no, no. no way. your not getting a date with her!" mike exclaimed. "mike, come on. just get him the date!" lucas begged. "im not prostituting my sister!" mike explained, clearly annoyed. personally, sam found this amusing. she wasn't going to say anything because she wanted to see how long it took for them to figure out who it is.

"but it's for a good cause!" lucas said, trying to reason with mike. "no, don't get him the date. know what?" dustin started. "he's gonna spread his nasty ass rash to your whole family." dustin stated, making sam laugh.

"acne isn't a rash and it isn't contagious you prepubescent wastoid." keith exclaimed. "oh, i'm a wastoid?" dustin asked "she wouldn't go on a date with you." sam chimed in from behind the 4. "you make like, what, 2.50 an hour?" dustin shot out at keith. "nice perm." keith shot back. the two boys argued back and forth, but sam toned it out when she noticed will was walking outside. she followed him to see him looking up at the palace arcade sign, extremely afraid. sam felt a sudden tug at her chest, like she was feeling what will felt. she felt extremely cold and for a moment, she swore she saw particles floating around.

she was knocked out of her thoughts when mike accidentally bumped into her, grabbing wills shoulder. "will, are you okay?" he asked."yeah, i just..." the bowl cut boy mumbled. "i needed some air."

"come on, your up on dig dug." the black haired boy told the smaller. "let's take that top score back, huh?" he asked, grabbing sams wrist with his free hand so she would follow.


"get up, asshole." steve mumbled to sam, who was still in bed. sam babbled something inhumane, literally rolling out of bed. once steve threatened he would take away her beloved knife, she finally got up. she changed into a pair of forest green corduroys and a black long sleeve with a darker green zip-up. she then tied on her black converse she almost always wore.

the car ride was quite silent, but when they got to the middle school, nancy and sam swapped spots so now sam was walking into school. but before she could, a red camero revved into the driveway. she saw a familiar redhead walk out, clutching a red skateboard. it was max. madmax.

"hey red." sam smiled, earning a smile from max which was rare for a the redhead. "hey." the taller replied, slowly riding on her skateboard. "you new here?" sam asked. "yeah." max replied blandly. "well you'll love it here, full of bullies and narcissistic assholes." sam sarcastically explained, earning a smile from the taller. "what's wrong with narcissists?" the redhead asked. the brunette looked up from her shoes, extremely flustered.
"do you need a schedule?" sam asked, to which the redhead nodded. just then, the principal called in the two girls. it turned out that they both had the same schedule, other than history. but since the front desk ladies took extremely long, when they exited the principals office the halls were empty. they both had science first, so they trudged to the classroom.

the second they walked in, sam almost sprinted to her desk in the back, with and empty desk next to her in the corner. "ah, this must be out new student." mr. clarke smiled. "indeed. all yours." the principal smiled, then quickly left. the redhead tried to copy sam's actions but was stopped by mr. clarke.

"alright. hold up. you don't get away that easy" mr. clarke said, holding his hand out. max rolled her eyes. "come on, don't be shy." he motioned for max to stand back next to his desk. "dustin, drumroll." on cue, dustin tapped his hands on his book vigorously. "class, please welcome, all the way from sunny california, the latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage, maxine!" he said with enthusiasm, pointing a hand out to max who just glared at him.

"it's max." she corrected, clearly agitated. "sorry?" mr. clarke asked. dustin looked at the redhead curiously. "nobody calls me maxine. it's max." she stated. lucas and dustin turned to each other, lucas whispering "mad max."

"well, all aboard max." mr. clarke smiled. max finally walked over to the desk next to sam in the corner.

"welcome, voyager."

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