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"there's no way that's madmax." mike stated. the 4 boys were watching max skate around while sam smoked some weed she found in her pocket. although she was only 13, it's the only thing that kept her going some days.

"yeah. girls don't play video games." will added to mike statement, to which sam smacked the back of his head. "and even if they did you can't get 750,00 points on dig dug. it's impossible."

"bu-" lucas started "mike, i kid you not, i watched max play dig dug with my own eyes." sam interrupted, pointing at her eyes. mike just stared at her awkwardly.  "wait, you know max?" dustin asked almost immediately.

"uh, yeah. i met her last night before you got here." sam blankly said, remembering how she scared the redhead. "and you were gonna tell us when?" lucas asked, sounding almost annoyed. sam smiled. "it's funny seeing you confused." sam simply stated, breathing in, then breathing out an o shaped cloud of smoke.

"prove it." dustin said. "prove what?" sam asked obliviously. "prove that you know her." dustin explained. sam just smiled and shrugged her shoulders, putting out her weed on the wall and crushing it with her shoe. "okay." the brunette walked over to the redhead, who watched with a glare.

"we're you guys stalking me?" the redhead asked. "they were, i wasn't. you beat my friends score and they now think your cool cause you play video games and skateboard." sam shrugged, the redhead chuckling. "their sometimes really stupid." sam admitted for them. max suddenly had an idea, and sam could tell cause she perked her eyebrows up.

"do you have a pen and paper." luckily for max, sam had a stuffed science test she had failed in her pocket. she unfolded it and gave max a pen.

"thanks." max mumbled, writing something in big letters onto the paper before crumpling it up. "come on." max said before gently grabbing the others hand and dragging her up the stairs and into the building, throwing the crumpled paper away. the two watched from the door window as dustin picked through the trash. when they saw their disappointed looks, the two broke out in laughter. "he has a resting bitch face!" sam exclaimed between laughs, shedding happy tears as the two laughed harder.


sam woke up and woke steve up. this was a rare occurrence because she wasn't usually up this early, but she had a hard time sleeping. the car ride to school was quiet, but when she saw the boys, she almost laughed out loud. since it was halloween, the 4 boys had decided to wear their ghostbusters costumes. although the costumes looked cool, sam wouldn't want to wear a costume to school. she got out the car and walked over to the 4 boys who had just got there, who were finishing the ghostbusters line.

"hey there weirdos." sam said, smiling and shoving her hands in her pockets. "hey." will said, smiling.

"whoa, whoa." mike said suddenly, lazily pointing at lucas's name tag. "what?" "why are you venkman?" mike asked, almost like he was offended. "because i'm venkman." lucas replied like it was obvious. "no, i'm venkman." mike stated, irritated. 

"why can't there be two venkmans?" will budded in, growing sick of the arguing. "because there's only one venkman in real life. we planned this months ago." mike reminded while sam stood there confused. why were they so pissed at lucas for being venkman? venkmans the best character who wouldn't want to be venkman.

"i'm venkman, dustin's stanzt, you're egon, and you're winston." mike explained. "i specifically didn't agree to be winston." lucas defended himself, annoyed. "yes you did!" mike erupted. "jesus christ it's not that deep micheal." sam huffed. "i don't think he did." will said, remembering how lucas had refused. "no one wants to be winston, man." lucas said almost immediately after will.

"what's wrong with winston?" mike asked. "what's wrong with winston?" lucas repeated. "he joined the team super late, he's not funny, and he's no even a scientist!" lucas exclaimed, listing all the reasons that winston is a bad character. sam saw that many of the kids were giving looks and murmuring about the 4 boys arguing. sam felt a sudden need to flip them all off, so she did. "yeah, but he's still cool." mike reasoned. "if he's cool, then you be winston." lucas replied calmly, raising his hand lazily to mike.

"i can't!" mike admitted. "why not?" lucas asked, knowing what mikes gonna say. sam listened intently. "because.. because.." mike stuttered. "b-b-because your not black?" lucas shot at him mockingly irritated. sam suddenly felt bad. she lightly rubbed his back, knowing how hard it was to be black in a school full of white kids. "i didn't say that!" mike defended himself. "you thought it." lucas said. "not cool, mike." sam backed lucas up, who mike rolled his eyes at. dustin turned around as the boys kept arguing. sam looked to his direction, which was the bus.

the two watched as all the kids that exited weren't wearing costumes. "guys.." dustin muttered. "guys! guys!" dustin successfully got the 3 boys attention, who watched as the kids looked at them oddly. "why is no one else wearing costumes?" dustin asked, like anyone would answer. the 4 boys walked behind sam as she confidently walked through the halls. the boys would do the same, but since they were wearing cargo jumpers and proton packs, it wouldn't feel the same.

"why do people make these decisions?" dustin mumbled. "everyone dressed up last year." will stated. "i hate to break it to you boys, but i don't think 13 year olds dress up anymore. just a thought, though." sam said, giggling softly. "it's a conspiracy, i'm telling you." dustin calmly stated. "just be cool." mike instructed.

"who you gonna call? the nerds!" a boy called out as the other students laughed and giggled.
"watch it or i'll slit your throat, dipshit." sam shot back. the hall went quiet again, suddenly scared of the brunette. the 4 boys smiled a bit to the fact that a girl stood up for them, let alone a harrington.


sam dug through her locker as she eavesdropped on dustin and lucas's conversation.

"maybe she likes ghostbusters?" dustin insisted. "of course she likes ghostbusters, but that's not the point. the point is, we're dressed up and she isn't." lucas explained. "i didn't bring regular clothes. you?" dustin asked. "no." lucas replied. the two boys slowly looked behind them with pleading eyes. sam grimaced. "1, no i didn't. 2, even if i did, you would ruin it. see you, suckers." sam replied, walking up to max.

"boo." sam flatly said behind the girls shoulder, to which max jumped slightly, then smiled. "hey, peaches." max replied, putting her arm around the short brunettes shoulders. sam furrowed her brows as they walked down the hall to their first class.

"how did you know my favorite fruit was peaches." max smiled. 

"lucky guess." she replied, shrugging. sam turned a crimson red.

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