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samantha harrington walked around the small palace arcade in hawkins, indiana. she and her friends from kindergarten had decided to hang out there. sam had came early to get away from her shitty house.

the brunette walked around the arcade, looking at the screens of other players. she was pretty bored, licking a red lollipop since she had only eaten in the morning and it was now 8 at night. she saw that everyone in the arcade were lame players since none got on the leader board. she stopped when she saw a redhead in a blue jumper and blue jeans had caught her eye. the ginger was quite taller than sam, which wasn't surprising. the brunette quietly leaned over the gingers shoulder to see that she had beat her friend, dustin's, score.

"wow, that's some good moves." sam finally said, making the redhead jump back and sam could finally see the gingers full face. she had blue eyes that looked threatening and freckles splattered everywhere. she saw that under her right arm, she clutched a red skateboard.

"who the hell are you?" the redhead asked. "and why are you looking over my shoulder, creep?" the redhead uttered. "i'm sam, and i'm nosy." the brunette simply replied, licking her lollipop which was almost gone. the redhead unclenched her jaw.

"i'm max, and i'm new." she replied blankly. "cool." the brunette said, slightly smirking. "well, i have to go. nice meeting you, creep."max said, tugging back a smile and walking away.

"bye, red." the brunette called back. just then, the four boys that sam had known since kindergarten walked in.

first chapter is short but i promise my next chapters will be longer

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