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after about 1 more hour of walking, the five finally made it to the top of weather-top, as dustin dubbed it.

"jesus christ, finally.." sam muttered, panting as dustin stood proudly on top of the hill. "made it." dustin announced. "no shit, sherlock." sam breathed out, leaning onto her girlfriend as they took their last steps up the hill. "yeah, only took 5 hours." max remarked. "why couldn't we just play dnd?" will complained, throwing his bag onto the ground as everyone did the same, sam dropping to her knees in exhaust.

"you are so dramatic." max chuckled, eyeing the girl catching her breath. sam looked up, goofily grinning as lucas drank out of the canteen desperately, grabbing the two girls attention. the two watched in disappointment, the boys loud gulping making sam grimace. the harrington blinked slowly as she pulled some of her hair off of her sweat lathered neck and put it into a lazy ponytail. after the boy finished drinking, sam was now on her feet as she crossed her arms, the boy wiping his mouth.

"did you seriously just drink the rest of our water?" the redhead questioned in disbelief as sam narrowed her eyes at the boy. lucas stared blankly at the girl before bringing the canteen up to his mouth and pouring the rest of the water that was sitting in his mouth into it.

sam utterly gagged when he offered some to her girlfriend, max shaking her head in distraught before walking away with sam.


after about 20 minutes of setting up the 'cadillac of ham radios', cerebro was now fully built and ready to use. "pretty impressive, right?" dustin inquired with enthusiasm as the group looked up at their work proudly. "yeah." will mumbled, wanting to get to the point of why they went to the top of a hill. "now, you ready to meet my love?" dustin asked, going down to get the speaker that was attached to cerebro. "okay, sure." max replied. "yeah." will also added.

the group watched as dustin held the speaker to his mouth. "suzie, it's dustin. do you copy? over." dustin started, everyone watching with intrigued filled eyes. no reply, just radio static. "one sec. she's probably.. she's still there." dustin reassured in confidence, sam seething.

"suzie.. this is dustin. do you copy? over." dustin spoke into the speaker, looking like a total dumbass. max tilted her head and crossed her arms in agitation as lucas looked over to the four, hoping he wasn't the only one who didn't think suzie was real. sam and will shared side glances as sam leaned onto her girlfriend.

"i'm sure she's there. it's just-" dustin mumbled, not even sure himself. "yeah." lucas mumbled back. "you know, maybe she's, like, busy or-" dustin trailed, not really sounding true. "yeah." sam grumbled this time, max scrunching her face. "mmm." lucas hummed. "yep." max added as she rested her head on her girlfriends. dustin shrugged, going back to his speaker. this was going to be a very long night.


after a few hours, the sun had set fully, the moonlight being the only light source they had. max and sam were sprawled out onto the grass, linking hands, lucas and will laying down as well in dullness. dustin was still trying to radio suzie, but even he sounded a bit bored.

"suzie-" dustin started before someone cut him off. "dustin, come on! she's not there." max fumed from besides her girlfriend. "she's there, all right? she'll pick up." dustin assured confidently, to which sam rolled her eyes. "maybe cerebro doesn't work." will suggested, using his elbows to hold himself up. "or maybe, suzie doesn't exist." sam announced, throwing her arms up. "she exists!" dustin exclaimed in a squeaky voice.

"she's a genius and she's hotter than phoebe cates? no girl is that perfect!" sam reminded, dustin raising his eyebrows in an unimpressed way. the moment sam ended her sentence, max shot up from her laying position to sitting up. "is that so?" max taunted, sam sitting up rapidly with fear in her eyes.

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