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"you must be an angel, i can see it in your eyes full of wonder and surprise.." max sang along to 'angel' by madonna, holding a microphone in one hand and twirling sam with the other hand. on el's bed, libby and el were looking through magazines while bopping their heads along to the beat of the music. although the two just met, it felt as if they knew each other their whole life.

max stopped dancing and singing when she saw el and libby looking at a picture of ralph macchio. the redhead chuckled, putting the mic down as sam smiled.

"oh, you've found ralph macchio." max pointed out, el giving her a look. "macchio?" el repeated, libby smiling as she rested her head on el's shoulder. "yeah, he's the karate kid. hai-yah!" sam cried out, pretending to chop something with her hand as libby and el leaned away. the two let out small giggles, libby shaking her head.

"he's so hot, right?" max asked, sam giving her an offended look. max smirked at her girlfriends look, knowing she was jealous. "i bet he's an amazing kisser, too. better than sam." max added, sam giving the girl a playful glare. el gave max a crazy look while libby pretended to laugh and point at sam for being compared to ralph macchio. sam mouthed the words 'fuck you.' to her blonde friend.

"hey, uh.." max trailed, climbing onto the bed as sam did the same, sitting next to her girlfriend as libby scooted to be sitting next to el. "is mike a good kisser?" max asked, shrugging as sam playfully rolled her eyes at the question. "i don't know. he's my first boyfriend." el stated, smiling. "mm, ex-boyfriend." libby corrected. el turned to the blonde for a split second before turning back, a sad look on her face.

"hey, don't worry about it. okay?" max sympathized, putting a hand on el's shoulder.
"he'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness." max added, sam nodding.

"i guarantee you, mike is like, totally wallowing in self-pity right now." sam assured el, giving a friendly smile as libby nodded. "he's like, "oh, i hope i hope she takes me back."" sam demonstrated while giving a face to look like she was brutally sobbing. the four laughed at the demonstration. "god, what i wouldn't give to see their stupid faces." max whined, libby nodding. el stared down, an idea forming in her brain. "what is it?" libby asked, el forming a smile.


the three sat in a dome like shape around el, who was wearing a black blindfold, static on the radio. sam had lied to libby that el did this a lot, pretending to see people just for fun. "is this really gonna work?" libby asked. el nodded. "holy shit, this is insane." libby gapped, chuckling and shaking her head as max crouched down to sit next to her girlfriend. "libs." el warned in a monotonous manner. libby flushed a bright read at the nickname.

"yeah, quiet. sorry." libby apologized. sam smirked at how red her best friend was. the three watched el for a few moments before she spoke up. "i see them." el stated. "what are they doing?" max asked, leaning on her girl a bit. "eating." el answered. libby watched with wide eyes. "they say we are a 'species'." el spoke after a few moments. "what?" libby exclaimed, all three having furrowed brows. "emotion, not logic." el added, acting as if it were nothing. "what?" the three dragged on in unison, all having wide eyes.

sure, they could be upset or mad about women, but they didn't have to disrespect them. after a few moments, el ripped off her blindfold as her nose bled. libby noticed quickly, but she didn't want to be rude since it could've been a medical problem. el locked eyes with sam, who was the closest to her. "what, what happened?" sam asked, scooting closer to el. 

el let out a laugh as she started leaning down. "what-" sam asked again, confused. el fell to the floor now, libby and max giggling. "wh-what happened?" sam repeated, breaking into a fit of laughter as well. the four howled loudly in laughter before a loud beep interrupted. el shot up, max and libby turning their heads.

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