◇|Chapter one|◇

Start from the beginning

'It's college. What the hell can they be smiling about.' I thought as I walked to my first class.


I sat down next to my friend, Donna.

"Hey Finn!" She smiled, and I smiled back. "Hey, Don." I took put my notebook and supplies.

"Finn, what were your initial marks?" She tilted her head.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why...?"

She smiled. "I met a friend, and I think they're one of your soulmates!"

I rolled my eyes. "Donna, even if they were my soulmate, I wouldn't have the time to date them. I'm too busy."

She frowned. "Finn! You need to let Gwen help out. You can't carry all the burden yourself." She groaned.

"She's a kid. She shouldn't need to help out with bills." I grumbled.

Donna sighed, defeated. "Fine..." She muttered.

Just then, the bell rang, signaling that class was starting.


Class ended, and I was rushing to my next period.

'Why the fuck is my second period across the whole damn campus!' I cursed to myself as I turned a corner.

Apparently, I turned the corner too fast since I didn't see the person who was also rounding the corner.

"Ufgh!" I stumbled back but managed to catch myself. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I apologized.

"Uh, no worries!" They gave a nervous smile. I smiled back before realizing.

"Shit! I'm late! Sorry again!" I apologized once more before speeding off, hoping that I could make it in time to my next class.

'Huh... weird.' The person thought before going to their next class.


I huffed as I entered the classroom. I was just in time.

I quickly went to an empty seat next to a boy with brown hair.

I sat down and took out my notebooks. I quickly realized I was missing my pencil.

I grumbled and searched through my pencil case to come to the realization that I didn't have anymore. "Fuck..." I whispered.

I internally started crying because I had to ask for one.

I turned to the person next to me and tapped their shoulder."Hey...do you have a pencil?" I whispered.

They turned their head to me. "Oh yeah!" They smiled and handed me a pencil.

I couldn't help but notice their soulmate mark... or rather, their markS. There were five of them. And one was my initial.

My heart dropped to my stomach, but I quickly recovered and grabbed the pencil from them. "Thanks." I gave an awkward smile and started writing in my book.


Billy's pov:

I was in my second period, and a boy came rushing in. He sat down next to me, out of breath.

I watched him from my peripheral vision. He was rummaging around in his pencil case for something and cursing to himself.

He turned to me and tapped my shoulder. I turned towards him and raised an eyebrow.

"Hey...do you have a pencil?" He whispered.

"Oh yeah!" I handed him an extra pencil, and I couldn't help but notice him staring at my hand, or rather, my marks. I raised an eyebrow at his behavior, and he quickly took the pencil and thanked me.

He started writing in his book, and his sleeve rode up. My eyes widened at the sight on his wrist. Five initials.


"No way..." I muttered to myself. He seemed to have heard and turned to me.

I quickly turned away. He didn't seem to pay much mind to it and kept writing.

I looked down at my hand.


The one initial that me and the group haven't found yet.

I looked at him again. Donna's voice rang in my head.

"I have a friend who matches those initials! Finney Blake."

'Finney Blake, huh?' I thought and smirked to myself, turning away.

'I have to admit...he is quite pretty.' I chuckled silently and started paying attention to the lesson.


The bell rang, and I quickly stood up, gathering my stuff. I needed to tell the guys.

I took out my phone and texted the groupchat.



I quickly turned off my phone and sprinted to our lunch table.


Everyone seemed to be just arriving.

"You guys! You won't believe what happened, oh my god!!" I exclaimed and sat down.

Griffin groaned. "Can you not scream so loudly. It's only ten."

I rolled my eyes. "I think I found the last initial!!!" I jumped up and down.

Everyone's eyes went wide. "Wait, really!?" Bruce sat up quickly.

I nodded fast. "He had all our initials! He sat next to me in second period." I squealed like a middle schooler, but I didn't care.

"What did he look like?!" Griffin beamed at the possibility of finding our last puzzle piece.

"He had brownish curly hair, hazel eyes. Cargo pants and a hoodie. I think he had on some Converse, too!" I grinned.

Robin's eyes went wide. "Wait... I think I met him before."

I snapped my head towards him. "AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US???"

"No, no, no! It was just today! And we didn't talk. He just bumped into me and apologized. It was right before the second period, too." Robin groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "He was right in front of me, damn it!"

Griffin rubbed his shoulders. "It's okay, you didn't know."

"That's not important! The important thing is that we know who he is. And I think his name is Finney Blake. He's friends with Donna."

Vance nodded. "Finney Blake...interesting."

"Now that we know what he looks like, keep an eye out." Bruce said sternly.

We all collectively nodded.


1484 words

This is the end of the chapter. I'm gonna try to update as much as I can since school is starting soon.

Sorry for any spelling errors.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter ♡

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