32. Start of Exams

Start from the beginning

"Oh, those must be the examiners," Draco perked up and started looking around the corner.

"Is it true that your family is friends with one of the examiners?" Pansy asked him with a smirk, crossing her arms and Draco glared at her.

"Yes, of course," Draco snarked back.

The others laughed at him and he glared even harder, "let me guess your father will hear about this?" Blaise asked with an amused smile and Draco fake laughed.

All of the Fifth years were trying to get a look at the examiners, but Umbridge hurried them away to get a cup of tea. The rest of the evening, all of the fifth & seventh years were studying to the point of exhaustion.

Natalia was doing her favorite method, just dumping all of the information she knew onto a piece of paper and looking in the book to see if any of it was useful. She could remember it all when it came time for the test if she made herself anxious enough. That's how she remembered what to do. It just all came easier to her under stress.

It was kind of a demi-god/ adhd type thing that she didn't really understand, but it came in handy. What to do when someone's bleeding out? She wouldn't know. But, put someone dying in front of her, she'll remember every single medical thing Will had ever told her.

"Hey, where do we go for testing tomorrow?" She asked as everyone was pouring over their textbooks. Pretty much the entire common room looked up at her.

"The Great Hall 10 o'clock, get there by half past 9," they all said at the same time and she backed away from the studying group of teenagers and slowly retreated up stairs to her bed.


The morning came and unlike usual, no one spared much time getting ready. Most of them made themselves barely presentable and took all their books and studying supplies to breakfast with them.

No one wanted to talk at breakfast so Natalia just played with the food in front of her. "Eat," Theo harshly whispered to her. "We have an exam today, everyone needs to eat something healthy."

Natalia looked at him with an amused expression, "okay," she said, but continued just playing with her food, making it look like she ate. "Is today charms?" Blaise looked at her annoyed and she raised her hands.

"You're gonna fail," Draco told her with a headshake. "There's no way you can pass." She just shrugged and took a drink of orange juice.

Once breakfast was over, the fifth and seventh years milled around in the entrance hall while the other students went off to lessons. Then, at half-past nine, they were called forward class by class to reenter the Great Hall, which was now arranged differently. he four House tables had been removed and replaced instead with many tables for one, all facing the staff-table end of the Hall where Professor McGonagall stood facing them. When they were all seated and quiet she said, "You may begin," and turned over an enormous hourglass on the desk beside her, on which were also spare quills, ink bottles, and rolls of parchment.

"Shit," Natalia cursed silently. She took a deep breath before she looked at the paper in front of her. The first question: a) Gibe the incantation, and d) bescride the vanb nonevent repuired to make objects fly. She shook her head and tried to switch around the letters. Give the incation and describe the wand moment to make something fly. She was pleasantly surprised by the question. That was the first thing she was ever taught and Harry had a great story about it with a Troll in his first year.

She laughed before starting to write. Most of it felt simple, sure there was still alot she couldn't remember or just might've never learned as she missed a few years, but overall, it was good. Maybe everything was simple after having to fight for your life? Maybe she should go back to school when she gets back, actually get a real education.

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