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┍━━━━╝✹╚━━━━┑Chapter Twelve Unexpected ┕━━━━╗✹╔━━━━┙

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Chapter Twelve

❝Just because I'm nice does NOT mean I won't kill you.❞

YOU CROSSED YOUR ARMS as you stared down at the two little boys who were looking down with a pout, they had been fighting for hours. Sun stopped them several times, but they would return to fighting after he leaves.

You sighed and dropped your arms down, "Well, why are you two fighting all the time?" You questioned, making the two huff and look away from each other. You frowned and slightly squinted your eyes, "Now now, one of you have to talk." You stated, mentally rolling your eyes. The two boys suddenly turned to face you, "He started it!" They exclaimed loudly as they pointed at each other. You sweatdropped and then sighed again, "This is gonna take a while." You thought of a way to make them stop fighting.

You eventually decided to put them in timeout and watched them in case they start argue again. After that you managed to make them apologize to each other and become friends, this always works. You let out a huff of relief as you watched the kids play together as if they weren't fighting a while ago. Sun put his hand on your shoulder, "You did great with them, Eclipse." He said, offering you a cheerful smile. You chuckled and turned to him, "They can be a lot to handle, but I will do anything to help them." You replied with a small smile.

Sun nodded and walked ahead of you, "Let's go and prepare the kids for the nap time."

For the rest of the day, you and Sun tended to the kids until Moon's and Lunar's turn came. Eventually, closing time came and you all started to clean the daycare. Sun sighed as he picked up the toys scattered around, "The kids today has been really active, right Y/N?" He spoke up, placing the pile in his arms in the toy box. You laughed while putting the barrels on each other, "They are just children, what do you expect?" You joked as you finished placing the barrels in order. You checked the time and noticed that it was almost time to start your patrols.

You dusted your hands and turned to Sun, "I have to go, Sun. My patrolling duty is about to start." You said, indicating to Sun to lock the door after you leave. Sun nodded and gave you a thumb up. You turned around and left, leaving Sun alone since Lunar was charging in your room. However, deep down you felt really worried. You pushed those feelings away and proceeded to start your duty, "I'm sure he will be fine." You thought, leaving the daycare.


Sun continued to clean the daycare while humming a song, but he totally forgot about locking the door. Sun didn't notice the predator walking into the daycare, a crowbar in his hand. Your brother didn't hear the man slowly sneaking on him, ready to hit him as soon as he reaches him and sure when he was right behind Sun, he raised the crowbar high up to land a powerful hit on Sun's back. Your brother screamed in pain and fell on his stomach. He looked back and saw the same worker from before that threatened to have you all decommissioned.

Sun looked in fear at the man who stared at him with a crazy smile, "Wh-What are you doing?" Sun asked as he tried to move away from the guy. The worker smirked and prepared to hit again, "I have said that I will decommission you all and I sure will do it, starting from you! Nobody listened to me and thought that I'm going crazy, but it seems I will need to do it with my own hands!" He exclaimed and strongly lowered the crowbar down, hitting Sun's head. The animatronic continued to scream in pain as the guy continued to hit him over and over again. Moon was yelling at Sun to tell him what was going on, but he just continued to scream in pain.

He even tried to call you, but his communication system was completely busted.

The guy didn't notice Lunar looking down at him with horror. He quickly acted and called you, hoping you would hurry and help.

◎ ══════ ❈ ══════ ◎

You were chatting with Michael as he accompanied you in your patrols. He was such a sweetheart to join you so you won't feel bored.

"... And that's how Sun managed to get his shoe back."

"Well, I'm glad he did."

You chuckled and was about to say something when you received a call from Lunar. You felt a bit of concern take over you, but you pushed it away and answered the call, "Hey Lunar, what's the matter, bud?" You asked, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. However, Lunar didn't sound like this at all.

"Y/N! You have to come quickly! That guy is hurting Sunny!"

"What? I'm on my way!"

You didn't know what happened to you so suddenly, you just found yourself running to the daycare. Michael didn't know what was happening, but he understood from your tone and face expressions that it was something urgent. Thus, he followed after you to the daycare. Once you arrived there, you froze in place upon seeing the horrific scene. Sun was severely broken in different places while the guy stood there, heavily breathing. Michael saw this and contacted the night guards to aid him. He dashed forward and pinned the guy down after forcing him to drop the crowbar.

You slowly approach Sun and crouched down. You gently and slowly picked him in your arms, "S-Sunny?" You trailed off while still in utter shock, hoping that your brother would respond. You heard some buzzing coming from him before his eyes slightly lit up. He forced a smile and put his hand on your face, "E-Ec... E-Ecl-ips-e." His voice glitch a lot before his hand fell down and his system shut down.

You hugged Sun close to your body as you felt anger, sadness, and worry all mix together. All you did was just letting out a loud desperate scream, calling out for your brothers to wake up.

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