Chapter 12

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I love you too, Jack.

*knock knock*

Someone was knocking on Aaron's door, but he didn't notice. The door creaked open. It was Garcia.

"Sir?" She asked. No response. "Hotch?" She opened the door to see if he was there, and she gasped as she saw how miserable he looked.

"Oh sir.." She walked over to him and hugged him tightly. Aaron snapped back into reality. "Garcia?" He said as she leaned back to look at his face.

"Did you find them?.." His voice was weak and quiet. "No, not yet." She replied.


Aaron checked his phone and saw it was Y/n's bracelet. "Hotch!" Garcia gasped and took his phone. Aaron watched her rush out of his office.

He was confused but ran after her. "Garcia, what are you doing?!" He yelled, causing the team to look out the window of the conference room.

"Her bracelet!! I can try to track her from it!" She said in excitement. She reached to her office and sat down, connecting Aaron's phone to her computer.

As Garcia typed away, she found out where you were. "Sir, I found her!" She said, and she sent the location to everyone in the team. "The location is sent to your phone!"

"Thank you, Garcia." He took his phone rushing to the elevator where the team was waiting.


Y/n POV:

You groan in pain as your face touches the cold concrete floor. The man has beaten you over and over again each time you talk.

You wondered,'Why us? Why me?' You started to cry after holding it in for hours. You couldn't take it anymore. If he wanted to kill you, he would've done it already.

Why wait? Just do it..."Kill me!" Your thoughts escaped your mouth. Not knowing what you just said as you heard Jack crying say no.

"NO Y/N PLEASEE!!" He whined. Your heart sank as you realized he heard you. "Don't kill her, please!!" Jack cried out loud. You tried to move to face Jack, but when you did your waist, shot you with a huge pain.

Did you have a broken rib?! You tried tapping your bracelet once more before passing out. It was cold...all you could hear was Jack's cry. You felt paralyzed. 'Where are you, Aaron..'

Someone walked in and picked you back up. Then something was under your chin lifting you head up. *BANG* You woke up, and everything was hazy. You looked around, and the door was on the floor.

"FBI, YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!" A man yelled. His voice filled with rage. 'Morgan..?' you thought to yourself. The man chuckled as his gun clicked. Your head fell down as you were unconscious again.

A gun fired. Did you die? Everything was still dark. It was completely silent..

☆2 Days Later☆


Your eyes slowly opened..blinking as you tried to concentrate. "Oh shit- I'm in heaven?!" You said said as the bright white lights hit your eyes.

You heard shuffling and chairs moved. The first person you saw was Aaron. "YOU DIED TOO?!" You freaked out as his face was in your line of sight.

He chuckled softly before replying, "No, Y/n...I'm not dead, and neither are you." He moved your hair out of your face. You could finally see the tears roll down his face.

"I'm not dead?" You looked down, and you were on a bed with white sheets, and you were in a clean room. You looked at your arm that had needles stuck inside your arm.

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