Chapter 11

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The Bracelet.

"Jack! Let's go to school!!" You rushed out of your room wearing leggings, one of Aaron's hoodies, and converse.

"Jack, come on, bud!!"

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Jack ran out of his room and held your hand. "You got everything?" You looked at him.

"Mhm!" As you two start to walk out the door and Jack stopped. "Wait!" He ran back to his room and grabbed his color pencils.

"Okay, I'm ready now!" Jack reheld your hand, and you two went off to school.

"So how does it feel to be 11?" You smiled as you looked up at the mirror to see Jack in the backseat.

"Good!" He smiled in response while looking out the window.


Jack's birthday was 2 days ago, and Aaron came home late. It was just you and him. You threw a small party for him, decorated the apartment with starwar stuff, baked him a cake and some cupcakes too.

You got him a lightsaber for his birthday gift, and Aaron pitched in because you didn't have a whole lot of money.

Jack also slept at a friend's house, so it was just you at home til around 1 AM when Aaron came in.

"Hey, sleepy head.." Aaron came into my room and tucked my hair behind my ear. "I got you something."

You groaned as you got up and rubbed your eyes. "Oh, you shouldn't have.." you said in your sleepy voice.

Aaron held your hand and placed a bracelet on. It had a circle.."Tap it once for a emergency tap it twice for a serious emergency." He said. "I'll get a notification on my phone."

"Mhm.." You were half asleep, but you understood what he said. "Once..emergency.." You yawned, "Twice..seriou-" you fell back and slept again.

Aaron laughed, "I should go to sleep too, huh?" Has he taken a shower and changed. Aaron slipped into the bed next to you and held you tight.

☆The morning☆

"Alright, I'm off love." Aaron kissed your forehead as he tightened his tie. "Noo.." You held his wrist, but your grip was weak.

"I have to.. I wish I could stay. I really do, but my team needs me." His hand was placed softly against your cheek and his thumb rubbing against your skin.

Aaron left after one last kiss. After 2 hours it was 7:00 AM. You got up and got ready. 'Time to start the day.' You said to yourself.

•end of flashback lol•

As you and Jack arrived at school, you gave him a big hug, and he left. When you were about to entire your car, you felt someone watching you.

You looked around, but there was nothing. Just parents watching their kids or their phones. 'Who was it? Who is staring at me?!' You shook your head to clear the thoughts away from your mind.

You drove off and went to a coffee shop to get some extra coffee in your system. As you did so, you went to a record store and looked through some records.

'Frank Sinatra? Don't mind if i-...$50, never mind.' Why was everything expensive?Although you couldn't afford anything at the moment, you still looked around.

After that, you went to a book store and roamed around the building. You picked out 2 books and read a chapter or two of each.

You paid for both books because they seem to interest you. It was romance stories. You've always liked reading romance. You could say it was your favorite genre.

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