Chapter 8

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Happy Valentines Day.

When you woke up, you decided to take a shower and put on some comfy clothes. It was a Saturday, so you didn't have to get up early and worry about dropping off Jack to school on time.

When you finished taking a shower, you headed to your closet and put on this oversized shirt that showed your shoulder. You also put on some shorts and socks. When you were about to leave your room, you saw a card on the ground.

You picked it up, and it said:

'Dear Y/N,

Will you be our Valentine? Please say yes.

-Jack and Daddy'

You closed it and saw that there was something written on the back:

'Happy Valentines Day, Y/N. Thank you for everything. -Aaron"

You smiled and opened the door to see Jack and Aaron in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Jack was helping his dad by placing things down. Like plates, mugs, and something onto a plate.

"Well, good morninggg." You rubbed your eyes. Walking towards the table and sitting down. It was chocolate chip pancakes with bananas and strawberries making a bear.

You couldn't help but smile. This was your favorite breakfast to make. "For me?" You looked at Jack, who nodded yes.

Hotch came and poured coffee into your mug. He put the coffee pot back and then kneeled beside you. "What are you doing-"

He pulled out your favorite flowers from behind his back. Smiling up at you. "Happy Valentines Day, Y/N." You took the flowers and started to tear up.

"Hey..hey, what's wrong." Hotch stood back up and cupped your face, wiping the tears away.

"Nothing. It's just..." You paused. You saw the concern look on his face. You touched his hand and smiled. "It's just that I never had a good Valentines Day, you know? These are shocked, happy tears!"

The warmth from Aaron's hands made you feel good. Maybe a little too good. You pulled your face away and looked at your breakfast. "Let's eat! Yea?"

"Yea!" Jack said as he went onto his seat.

Everyone ate, and Aaron quickly grabbed the plates before you could. "Nope! You're not going to do the dishes today." Aaron smirked at you as he walked towards the sink.

"Come on, Y/N!! You need to change! We're going out today." Jack pulled your hand and shoved you in your room.

"Okayyy!! Okay, I'll change." You laughed and closed the door. You decided that you would wear jeans, a tight crop top that held your shape well, and some sneakers. You also put on some light makeup before leaving the room.

"Is this good?" You walked out and gave a little spin.

"Yea! Perfect!!" Jack gave you 2 big thumbs up.

"Where's your dad?" You went down to Jack's height.

"I'm right here." Aaron came out of his room. Wearing a dark blue polo shirt, nice beige pants, and black shoes.

"Wow. This is the first time I've seen you without a suit." You got up and looked him up and down.

"Nice view, huh?" He held his arms out to the side and gave you a spin of his outfit.

"Very nice." You smiled. "So..what are the plans today?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." Aaron walked towards you, looking down at you.

"It's a surprise." Jack held your hand and took us to Hotch's car.

Everyone went inside the car, and when Aaron went to back out of the parking spot. Without hesitation, he put his hand on your thigh. You turned your head immediately in shock.

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