Rise of a Phantomhive

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Hisashi was on the phone with his wife Inko as he was in England.

She had just told him that the doctor said she was quirkless.

Hisashi knew what would happen to his only daughter. She would be ostracized by Japanese society and a number of Heroes. It was not that he trusted heroes, but too many of them, in Japan especially, wanted fame and wealth rather than genuinely help people.

"Inko. Quit your job. Move here to England."

"Eh?! Move? But-"

"Honey. I can arrange your flight. I have more money for it than you think. Its time you both knew the truth about me. Plus, I'll be damned if I have to watch our daughter be put down by a cruel world just because she doesn't have a quirk. I'm doing this for our family." He firmly said.

Inko was silent for a moment. She loved her daughter and didnt care what her quirk would be, and she was just as heartbroken learning Izumi was quirkless. She was not blind to how quirkless were treated in Japan. Most reports always dismissed them as relics, worthless, useless.

She did not want her baby to suffer here.

"Ok. We'll move to England." Inko said with a bittersweet smile. Though she would have to leave Mitsuki, she wanted to see Izumi smile again.

That day after Izumi got home from preschool, Inko was sitting on the couch after getting off the phone with Mitsuki. The blonde woman was sad that Inko decided to quit her job and head for England, but she knew it was for Izumi's sake. And after her own son was scorning his own childhood friend, she felt it was for the best. They would remain in touch however.

"Izumi. I have some news."


"Yes. I got off the phone with your daddy earlier today. He said he wants us to move to England where he is."


"Yes. He doesn't want you to suffer here, and England doesn’t tolerate quirkless discrimination. So they won't judge you for your lack of a quirk. He also said he wanted to reveal something when we get there."

Izumi barely remembered her daddy since his job required him to work across the world. But now she was getting to see him instead of looking at his photos.

"I want to go!" She lifted up her arms, more than happy to see her daddy.

Inko had already took Izumi out of school so they could start packing.

In three days, Izumi and Inko were heading for the airport at 6am.

To their surprise, a Japanese man was already waiting for them. He was an elderly man with gray hair and a mustache. He wears a monocle, a black suit, and white gloves.

"Hello, I'm Tanaka. You must be Lady Inko and Young Lady Izumi. I'll be escorting you to Master Hisashi." He smiled.

To their amazement, it was not just seats that Hisashi booked for them, it was their own private plane!

It had a dining room, four beds including a master bedroom, a cinema room, a lounge, and two bathrooms with showers.

"It will take approximately 15 hours to get there, and we should arrive by afternoon." The pilot saluted with a smile.

"Afternoon?" Izumi asked.

"There is a time change between here and England. When it's 9pm here, it'll be 1pm there." Tanaka explained. "I'd suggest taking some sleep for now, as we'll be in for a long flight."

Taking Tanaka's advice, Izumi headed for her bedroom and was greeted with a beautiful room in pristine white and light gold.

Crawling into the bed, Izumi drifted to sleep.
Back in Japan.....
The teacher announced at Katsuki's preschool that Izumi and her family moved away to England. No other details were given.

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