Touch Down with Ignition

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The First Lady was moving through the Skies. On Columbia, there was a civil revolt was occurring, however, without the strong leadership, the smaller, impatient cells would lead to small attacks across regions of Finkton, that were quickly put down.

Jeramiah Fink was in his office, the news of the attack had spread quickly, something that Jeramiah didn't want to happen. He had nearly been killed by the Federalist Ambassadors, and from what it sounds like, the First Lady was stolen, and had left Columbian Air Space. He grit his teeth, annoyed.

With their faster and more powerful aircraft, they could shoot down their barges, they had done it, and Comstock with his DAMNED Songbird won't do anything in truth. Comstock is only worried about how the visions of his are different. Shaking his head, he needed to do something. 

Fink would contact his head of security, Sansmark, maybe he could start recruiting more security...justifying it as an increase defensive measure, though.....maybe he needs to work on better weapons, the Vox....they had modified the Triple R Machine Gun, it was slower, but a higher caliber....Maybe he should take one part and start making them. The Vox's modification was also interesting, maybe modifying, he could make an automatic rifle caliber gun, he had seen some, but they weren't very appealing, the Russians had one, it looked nice.

Fink would walk into his personal workshop, he would tinker with some weapon designs. The days coming, Fink could tell, there was going to be a war, and Fink, knew, that currently, they had no chance at winning, unless they had better weapons.

A design for a weapon he was calling the "Fink Automoatic Rifle Model 10 or the FAR-10", he saw a tear with some workshop, plenty of designs, he just....borrowed one or 5. He would not be falling with Comstock and his fools. 

-On Monument Island-

Comstock walked from the barge onto the pathway, he would be speaking with his daughter. Having the door open, he stepped onto the platform and slowly the elevator lowered into the library. Stepping onto the raised section near the window, he looked out of the eyes of Columbia, onto his haven in the sky.....the devil was reaching for them now....the safety from the Sodom below....was vanishing. 

A door opened and Elizabeth walked in.

"Father Comstock. What a surprise." Elizabeth said, stepping in the library.

"Elizabeth, It's always a pleasure to see you." He said, smiling.

"Why are you visiting?" She asked, walking to sit in a chair next to an end table. Comstock walked and sat down next to her, at a chair on the other side.

"I am just worried. Tell me, what have you seen from the window?" He asked.

"The city, the sun rise, I even saw machines flying, in the distance, but it was amazing. I was curious. Could I go out, I want to see more of the city." Elizabeth asked.

"Now my little lamb, Columbia is being threatened, and the safest place for you, is the tower. Songbird is protecting you, it's all for the best future, for all of us." Comstock said, holding Elizabeth's hand.

Elizabeth looked down, the act was needed, maybe she could go and see what was beyond her tower...she wanted to see beyond the city. She had also....noticed some things had gone missing, it's a bit more common now, that or she is picking it up more. Something about this place wasn't right. 

Comstock smiled, before he stood up. The Call of Songbird played, the shadow few over the window as the squaks echoed through the room. Song bird entered looking at Elizabeth and Comstock.

"Songbird is your protector, no matter what happens. He keeps you safe from the false shepard." Comstock said, placing his hand on the beak of the protector. 

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