46 8 7


Night self:
Hey people,
I am kind of in a good mood all of a sudden hehe.
So nothing special today, just a regular day. It was actually a holiday so I was at home.
I did maths ncert exercises of Integrals, I can say I like this chapter it's fun, I also liked differentiation so I think they are my kind of thing. Even though differentiation is so much better than integration. I also did some practical file work. And that's pretty much it.

I was wondering that I have started writing differently lately. Initially I thought of writing the daily progress like what I studied today but now it's more of writing my thoughts with less writing of my daily work. So I am confused in which way I should continue writing. Even though I do like writing my feelings or thoughts as it's kind of a stress reliever and has more reality. But writing daily coverage of study helps me stay on track. Maybe I can do mix of both. Let me know which one is more preferable.

Midnight cravings are such a real thing it's almost eleven at night and I am craving some good cookies with milk and pancakes too. Like who craves pancakes at night and I don't even eat pancakes. I am also craving golgappe ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ................

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