- her -

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Do you remember that night when we sat on that park bench by the lilypad pond?

The night when we were left stranded three hours from home because our car broke down.

The night the cars behind us honked so loudly that the proles of the adjacent apartments opened their windows and started yelling at us.

The night we laughed so hard because no one had been more frustrated with us than our parents before then.

The night where we spent what felt like forever near the abandoned vegan café.

The night we swung our arms up in the air, side to side, in harmony with the branches of the maple and elm trees thrashing in the midnight breeze.

The night we sang with no music and slow-danced, kissing as the rain sprayed us in the face.

The night we ran beneath the nearest tree for cover, warming each other as we pressed our bodies closer together...

Oh, you don't remember that night?

I understand. As it never actually happened, I understand that it's difficult to remember it.

That was a night I had dreamed about throughout compulsory school and our high school years. Throughout college, my first job, my second job, my sixth, tenth and even 15th.

Your heart belonged to someone else, but mine was already locked, and you held the key without realizing that you were holding it. You traveled the world with it, in every suitcase, every jacket pocket, every car, every moving box. I spent my days hoping I would be able to see you again; and when I did, I had promised myself that I would tell you how I had felt all along. I didn't imagine that it would be in this room, by this bed, looking over this parking lot.

The night at the lily pad pond was a reality I couldn't create without you.

Now it's harder knowing that I have to.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read :) It truly means a lot to me :)

I would love to hear your thoughts, feelings and feedback :)

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