- shivering -

12 3 2

This poem was inspired by that feeling of someone you know judging you if they were to see you in your most vulnerable states. When you face the mirror in nothing but your skin, what would they think?

CW & TW: mentions an abstract description of self-loathing/self-hatred, if this could be potentially triggering for people who are in a difficult place mentally and emotionally.

If you are a facing the blackholes of the universe, just know, you are not alone in your journey. You are so incredibly loved and you should never have to apologise for existing. It's something I'm still learning, and I don't wish to downgrade how difficult it can be, and it does takes time. Take the time YOU need. I believe in you, equally to many others.

- shivering -

you see me.

i don't want you to, 

but you do.

you don't mean to, 

but you do.

you see me.

you see it all.

beyond the smile.

beyond the clothes.

beyond the mask.

beyond myself.

you see it all.

i see how you see me

shivers down my spine,

clenched fists and puddles on ceramic floors.

i see how you see me.

you see me at my worst.

you see me at my best.

you see it all,

i see me through you.

it's what i most detest. 

you seet it all, and it haunts me to no end.

you see everything.

you are in my head.

you are in my head.

get out of my head.

get out of my head.



Thank you so much for taking the time to read and for listening :) It truly means a lot to me :)

I would love to hear your thoughts, feelings and feedback :)

Consistent, Inconsistent MindTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon