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Clock ticks,


Seconds blend into minutes,


Minutes blend into hours,


Hours blend into days, blend into months, blend into years...


I waited for you.

I waited seconds, minutes, hours,

days, months, years for you.

Another two,

you find so few.

To me, eternity.

What behind those rusty, metal, sealed doors,

could be the significance of the kraken.

Oiled the hinges,

but you never stopped creaking.

Changed the screws,

but you never loosened.

Used the crowbar,

but you never budged.

I'm not the tennis racket you set aside to be used on spared time.

I'm not the cardboard box of books in the storage,

or the wine in your cellar.

I'm not a child anymore.

I grew up before I wanted to.

Break the door down.


turning the swelling eye away from what just lost its worth.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read :) It truly means a lot to me :)

I would love to hear your thoughts, feelings and feedback :)

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