- pro delicto -

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TRIGGER WARNING: this piece of text mentions topics including suicide, guilt, shame, regret, sadness, hopelessness and more within this realm. If you think that any of the topics mentioned could potentially cause a unwanted response or trigger you, I advise you to skip this text. If you are in a place where you feel as though there isn't an exit, please seek the help and support of a loved one or a licensed mental health professional. You are not alone, and we all believe in you <3<3<3

- Lots of Love, Theo

- pro delicto - 2022-12-25

Nagging at you like a sibling poking at your shoulder in an attempt to bug you.

no longer feeling comfortable in your own skin, a paranoia of insects crawling all over. No matter how hard you scrub and cleanse, they will never reduce, just reproduce.

a balloon being rid of its air, an enclosing space, no escape, the exit held close by the finger tips of an unanimous synapses creature.

the lens deteriorates, ceases to exist as the world crumbles before the cornea.

No place is far enough away to free you from this torment and taintedness. To rid you of what you now can't retrace, reverse.

Visiting that very place, seeing that very face, that very thing of which remains a trace

another stab between the ribs.

Cain, punished to spend the rest of eternity in tribulation for removing the light from the eyes of his very own brother Abel. Thousands of attempts, not a single suicide would relieve the pro delicto.

Pro delicto, a feeling spoken of in insignificant words, yet the feeling is stronger.

pro delicto to protect yourself from the semiosis of the word that has a closer meaning to your soul.

hearing it is solemn, talking about it is solemn, feeling it is solemn.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and for listening :) It truly means a lot to me :)

I would love to hear your thoughts, feelings and feedback :)

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