- a late night heart to heart -

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If you are a facing the blackholes of the universe, just know, you are not alone in your journey. You are so incredibly loved and you should never have to apologise for existing. It's something I'm still learning, and I don't wish to downgrade how difficult it can be, and it does takes time. Take the time YOU need. I believe in you, equally to many others.

November 14th 2022.

there are moments when all you can do is sit in silence,

and allow the tears to stream down your cheeks.

Holding on by a thread in the belief in humanity's integrity.

enslaved masses, innocent souls disapparated.

political corruption, reversed progress,

rights ripped away like a carrot on a fishing rod.

Where does one find good, when the future of the earth holds trillions of unsolved conundrums and fates?

Just existing, just living,

is an eternal obstacle course,

Nearing the finish line,

a roadsign reads, "2/100,000,000 miles left to go".

Endeavouring to the standards of where life is conditioned,

is an impossible triangle.

One can't keep up, one doesn't have the energy, dear universe.

One can't do what you need them to do, what you expect one to do, dear universe.

I've read Albert Camus' philosophy on life: " You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life."

It's an endless rabbithole, a black hole of trying to understand the purpose of reality.

Yet one stands by the bathroom mirror while the world is fast asleep and in different realities,

staring at a reflection of swollen eyes, bleeding pimples. greasy hair, under eye garbage bags, and souless pupils.

Nothing will ever satisfy your disatisfaction.

Not the slightest decrease in muscle mass, or a lower intake of calories.

Not a new friend, or a national exam completion.

Not answering to your demands, or bringing you breakfast in bed.




Thank you so much for taking the time to read :) It truly means a lot to me :)

I would love to hear your thoughts, feelings and feedback :)

Have a beautiful day <3

Kind regards, Theo

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