Staring at Laura at that moment, I felt so much urge to pin her to the ground and march my boot on her face till her skull shattered and her brain splattered all over the floor. 

The way she let out that hideous smirk and smug smile at me only makes me burn in rage, and the very fact that all I said was seen as blatant lies while they believed her so easily was so frustrating.

"You are saying nonsense!" The Alpha retorted.

"And we all thought she only had a vampire gene, not knowing we were brooding a demonic agent. The vampire theory was just a cover for her real identity!" The Beta added,  hissing in regret.

"Selene has to be banned. She might have powers, but let's see how she can kill every single wolf in this pack when we all join hands to chase her out! Many may lose their lives, but we can't allow this bad omen to live among us!" Laura blurted with a strong tone, her face so mean.

"You are right!" The Alpha replied before I could even say anything. Did he just agree to that?

"Laura is not your mate! She is working for the demons because of the help she got from them. Joy's mother is your true second mate, and Laura had her caged for many years, waiting for her death! She has a secret room where she keeps the forbidden dark mirror, which she uses to invoke the demon king. She doesn't care about this pack!" I shouted at him, kicking the table in exasperation.

Everyone in the room gawked at me like I was crazy; not a single one of them would even give a second thought to all I was saying.

At that moment, the Alpha hurried to the alarm bell and microphone. He was actually going to do as Laura told him.

"Logan, you aren't going to at least investigate all I just said about Laura? Can you give me a week to bring enough evidence to you? If you act rashly and I leave now, I swear even if you all are perishing, I won't help!"

"Get out!! Go to hell! We don't want to ever see you again!" Callen and others burst out.

"Yes, leave! Demon girl! And don't think Jaden will ever accept you after what you did to his family. You are really a devilish girl!" Sophia spat, glaring at me with a mix of jealousy.

The Alpha, who I thought would change his mind, struck the alarm bell button at that moment, and the clang echoed through the entire pack.

"You are making a huge mistake." I shrugged, but the fool hissed at me and brought the mic to his mouth.

I turned to Laura, and she stared back at me, saying nothing.

"Have you ever wondered why the demon king is making you do this to me? He is not someone to connive with because, as long as you're also a werewolf, he still abhors you from the bottom of his heart. You're helping him regain his dark powers. He will destroy everyone, and you too!" 

"Stop accusing me!" She suddenly started to sob, faking tears.

How desperate can this woman be.

"I would have killed you now for all you did to me, but I want you to live and regret all your actions. I promise you, one day you will pray for death, and it will stay far away from you...that day, you will....

"This is your Alpha, everyone!! This is the time to get our land back. We can't cower and allow this demonic girl to use our lives to strengthen the demon king. Now I call on everyone to gather any weapon they can get and come out." The Alpha began to announce through the microphone.

"Together we will fight and ban her and make the ritual to prevent her from sneaking back in." His voice cut through, loud and clear.

My eyes widened as it dawned on me that he was doing this for real.

Laura couldn't hold her smile this time, a sense of victory brimming her eyes.

I looked around at that moment and realized Joy was nowhere to be seen. I don't know when she left. Where did she go to? Did she run away so she wouldn't be banned along with me?

"Joy should join her too!" Laura snapped, but they all searched around and couldn't find her.

I began to hear a faint noise and chant of war that were becoming louder from outside.

"They are out for you. It's your choice to make it easy or hard." The Alpha said bluntly, and I snickered at his stupidity.

"If I'm the same vicious girl that slaughtered so many yesterday, y'all won't still be alive now." 

"Maybe it's because your master, the demon king, hasn't instructed you yet." Callen chipped in, and I couldn't hold back my anger as he had succeeded in pissing me to the core.

I stomped forward toward him, and he made to run, but I was quicker to grab his hair. 

"For all the time you made my life painful, I feel such an urge to kill you!" I snarled and headbutted him so hard that one of his teeth literally fell off, with blood spilling out of his mouth as his lower lip swelled.

He cried out for help, but everyone in the room was scared of me. 

I grabbed his head as he struggled to free himself, slammed it on the wall, then drew out the little knife in my pocket.

"Killer! Killer! Killer! Traitor! Leave us! Leave us!  Demonic girl!" The chanting became louder and clearer outside the building, and I knew they might start trouping in soon if I don't come out.

"Don't kill my son, evil girl!" The Alpha suddenly got the courage to talk at that moment, as he realized the whole pack had gotten to the building.

"You aren't worth being an Alpha. Slave is your birthright!" I spat on Callen and drew the S line at the side of his neck with the knife while he groaned and screamed in pain and anguish. "That stands for Selene, you dickhead!"

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