Chapter 15

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My cheeks must both be red like fresh tomatoes, and I couldn't resist licking my lips as the feeling of his soft, sensual lips lingered on my lips even when he was already gone.

The kiss was very short, but the feelings were really deep, and the sensation lingered long enough that I smiled wide until I was grinning.

The doctor who made the announcement was too shocked and dumbfounded to say anything. His eyes said it all as I gawked like one who had met face-to-face with a two-headed human. It was so unbelievable, not only to see that I was miraculously healed but also to witness a kiss from a vampire.

He didn't say anything but left with the vampire. It wasn't until they were both gone that I sat up, and at that moment I sighted something on the floor. It was a pearl bracelet that appeared otherworldly as it twinkled from where I sat.

Quickly, I left the bed and picked it up, realizing instantly that it must have fallen from Jaden's grasp. My doubt was cleared when I peeked at it closely.

I have never seen a bracelet like this before, and as I held it, I could feel the ethereal and magical aura which it exudes. I slowly sat back on the edge of the bed, scanning the bracelet in my hand.

The bracelet was crafted from exquisite pearls that appeared to glow with an inner light, their surfaces shimmering with iridescent colors that shift and change as the light strikes them from different angles.

The pearls themselves are not like any that can be found on Earth; each one is perfectly round and flawless, with a lustrous surface that seems to radiate a subtle energy. They are of varying sizes, ranging from tiny seed pearls to larger, more substantial orbs that catch the eye.

The bracelet itself is made from an intricate network of delicate silver or gold filigree, with intricate patterns woven through the metal like vines or tendrils. The clasp is similarly ornate, with a gemstone set into it that seems to glow with a pulsing light.

The most beautiful and precious part was the pendant: two halves of a golden heart conjoined to become one.

I instantly fell in love with the bracelet; every part of it seemed to be to my exact taste. Just the way my heart wanted. I felt a kind of connection with it and found myself placing it on my chest and kissing it.

As I held it, all I could think of was Jaden, as if he were still close to me. The smell of the bracelet was his and nothing else. I sniffed it and felt like I was resting on his chest and getting buried in his intoxicating scent.

Just then, I began to hear the quick steps of different people hitting the tiled floor as they approached the ward. I hastily stuffed it inside my pocket and lay back on the bed, closing my eyes.

The door creaked open, and different footsteps clamored in.

"Are you really serious that she...." The Alpha's question was cut short as I opened my eyes. In front of me were him, the Luna, my ex father, the Gammas, and a few maids and bodyguards.

They were all gazing at me with their eyes lit up and excitement bubbling inside them. I could hear their gasps and quick breaths of happiness to see I wasn't dying anymore. Not out of love, but out of realization that they won't be under a curse anymore.

"How do you feel, my dear?" The Alpha breathed, and I sneered at him before sitting up.

"You don't care, so cut the crap!" I seethed, and I saw how every single one of them attempted to hit me all at the same time, but none could touch me. They all paused and kept their cool. Even my stupid father joined them.

"We won't hit you. Your plan to put us under a curse won't work, little devil!" My ex-father spat, and I scoffed, feeling so irritated at him.

"You must be really useless and foolish for my mother to choose you over a vampire. You have no child for her, but a vampire has. Have you thought of it?" I retorted, staring him dead in the eyes as his eyes turned darker..

The rage from what I said was evident in every part of him as he huffed and puffed.

"Ignore her." The alpha ordered him, then turned to the doctor.

"We are very happy for this great news of her recovery. How did you do it? No werwolf in history had ever survived it." He exclaimed in joy.

"I think we are experiencing the miracle we prayed for. The moon goddess is on our side and couldn't sit back and watch her beloved people suffer from the curse of her mother's betrayal." He answered, beaming as I stared at him with a wry smile.

"You are very right."

"We really took a big risk. This miracle might not happen the second time." The male gamma sighed, and the alpha nodded with others too.

"We are stopping the wolfsbane and silver torture." The Alpha shrugged, and that was when the Luna jumped in.

"Don't tell me you are serious with what you said!" She shouted.

"I am serious. We can't risk it anymore." The Alpha responded, and her face turned red in anger. She fumed and gritted her teeth. When she looked at me, I saw nothing but venom in her eyes.

How badly she still wanted me to go through that torture really made me scared. It was clear in her eyes that she wished to see me dead and didn't care about any curse, yet anytime I rack my brain to find out where I had seriously offended her, I won't be able to see anyone. Her hatred for me was deeper than others.

"I can't believe you will stop the torture that has been saving us from the vicious monster. It was what had weakened her and rendered her vampire side helpless. You will regret this!" She warned in pure hatred, stomping out, her heels clicking hard on the floor.

The Alpha snubbed her and spun toward one of his bodyguards.

"Ring the emergency bell and call on the people. This good news can't wait until daybreak. Gather them together to receive this news of relief." He ordered, and the hefty man bowed and rushed out.

"Listen to me. My eagle eyes are on you. Anything fishy from you, and I'll continue that torture, I promise. This time it will be more painful." The Alpha concluded and walked away, others followed, leaving only my ex father, who stayed back.

"Hey, please follow them. I don't want to see your face!" I snorted, turning my face to the other side, but he gripped my hair and tugged it hard, spinning my head to face him.

"What did you just say earlier?" He growled ferociously.

"I'm ashamed to have ever called you father. Have you ever asked yourself, "What could be the reason my mother would do a thing like this? Whose fault? You or her? Both of you are mates. What made my mother do a thing like this to you?!" I hissed, and his grip released as he took a few steps back.

"You have no idea how evil vampires are. They clearly deceived her gullible mind into having sex with them. Or rather, she was too horny and couldn't differentiate an enemy!" He spat disgustingly, and my eyes widened as I cringed and sat up in shock at what he just spit.

"I didn't mean it." He shrugged, looking away.

"Did you just say such a thing about your mate? You wouldn't even guess she was raped and feel sorry?" I shouted, and he sneered at me before shaking his head.

"She wasn't." He hissed, and I was surprised at how sure he sounded.

"What did you do to my mother?" I yelled, and he flinched. Guilt and fear sparkled through his eyes—something I didn't expect to see after throwing this question.

There was a secret he was hiding, and his expression confirmed it.

"I did nothing to your mother!" His tone was higher than usual, and he seemed to be fighting to sound convincing. He couldn't even look into my eyes anymore.

"Kane!" I bawled his name, and he glared at me, then looked away, those dark brown eyes glinting with abnormal frustration.

"Don't you dare call my name with those filthy and cursed lips. I'm not your father, and we are strangers now! If you aren't good with it, join your mother." He hissed, avoiding my eyes yet again as he stomped out immediately, his feet scurrying like he was running from something trying to haunt him.

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