Hey You, I've Found A Nickname Just For You

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Chapter six:

Recap: Alicia is now a princess in the land of Kendmark after being kidnapped. Unfortunately, she is betrothed to the Prince of Quenchlin named Leonardo. Alicia occasionally calls him Leo which is a nickname she gave him because she is too lazy to pronounce his fullname.

I'm a princess. Shouldn't princesses have a say? Gosh, these people are so twentieth century. Have they even seen The Princess Diaries? Princess Mia was an independent woman who didn't need a man to be crowned queen. Oh snap. That's right. Independent woman who don't need no man! Maybe they should make a Disney movie based on me? Ok... now, that's a little bit too much and anyway, it'll be MA+ guaranteed. With my bad swearing habits, Disney would be sued their arse off.  Oh wait, I'm getting off topic again. Shut up Alicia! Stop distracting yourself! I banged my head on the wall a couple of times.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I swivelled my head to find Leonardo next to me. I was taken by surprise and stumbled back. "Considering it's you, I think you'd need to save those brain cells of yours," Leo continued. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you implying that I'm stupid?"

"Define stupid." Arrogant jerk, I muttered under my breath. 

I made my way towards to the balcony. My evening was terrible! I started to choke when my dad went on about bearing children. Nah-uh, does it look like I have child-bearing hips? Hell to the no! Leonardo just had to come and save the day! Oh the chivalrous knight he pretends to be!  If my night could get any worse, it did.

The piece of meat that I choked out landed into a random person's tomato soup. To make it worse, everyone witnessed it. I literally died. I wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it, and never come out.

"Don't worry, everyone will pretend that they didn't see it," Leo encouraged.

"And how would you know?" I said sourly.

"You are the princess after all." I nodded my head in agreement. "I've had enough of today. We'll discuss this betroth-betrothal or whatever tomorrow." Leo made his way to the exit and I slumped onto my bed in shame and embarrassment.

In the morning, I woke up to find Leo sitting in an armchair while staring at me. The curtains were drawn and the light was piercing. Normally I would be seriously creeped out, but I'm just not a morning person. I groaned and stubbornly retreated back to my slumber. "Morning sunshine," Leo said brightly.

"Get out, I'm sleeping."

"Alright then, I'll join you."

"Fine, whatever," I reluctantly slurred. Leo climbed into the bed.

It was probably noon when I woke up to find Leo beside me. "Ew!" I screamed. I kicked him off the bed and he lied on the ground in a pile of blankets and pillows. He groaned in pain and sat up rubbing his neck.

"What just happened?" He asked in confusion.

"You got drool all over my bed and why were you even on my bed in the first place!"

"You let me!" He exclaimed. I racked my brain to remember if I did let him. Oh yeah... I did. My tone changed into a softer tone.

"Sorry," I mumbled, realising my fault. Instead of his smirk and smart remarks, Leonardo started to laugh like a maniac. This guy was really confusing.

"I want McDonalds."

"We don't have McDonalds in Kendmark," Leo stated.

"Leo say what now?" I exclaimed and looked at him.

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