Bow Down To Me, Peasants

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Chapter five:

I woke up to find my face planted right into the mattress. 'Leonardo' was gone. Was his name really Leonardo? He didn't look like one. 'Cocksucker' suited him more. I laughed evilly to myself. From the window, the skies were darkening and I decided to wander outside my room where I was kept hostage. I really hoped that Kate was alright! She was really scared that night when those people busted into her house.

The hall was pretty long and the house was bigger than a mansion. Possibly a castle... The walls were all covered up with red velvet and crystals sewn on the material. The chandelier even had billions of candles on them. I walked past to what seemed like a billion doors, but the next door was what really tempted me.

The door was ebony and it had diamond doorhandles. Something inside me just made me really curious about what was behind those doors. Impulsively, I opened those doors and stepped in. It was beautiful.

The room had tall trees and I automatically felt like I was in a forest. The walls were covered in moss and there was even a waterfall in the room. I walked deeper into the room and tripped over a few tree roots and stones. Clumsy me! Eventually, I made it to the end of the room which was a very long distance. There were four thrones that were screaming exclusive. Maybe I was in Narnia... I pinched myself and it hurt. Nope, this was definitely real. I made my way up to the altar and sat into the biggest chair. It was so comfy and I didn't want to leave it. Ever.

Suddenly a figure shadowed upon me and fear started to sink in. I was tugged by my dress. Wait... dress? I didn't remember wearing a purple velvet dress? What! I looked at the offender and suddenly I sensed a feeling of déjà vu. "D-daddy...?"

"Alicia! You've arrived, finally." My father's deep, smooth voice announced. I still stared at my father in shock. No... I was hallucinating. This is fake. This is all fake. Wake up, wake up, stupid brain. "Uh, my apologies. I didn't mean to frighten you like that. It's just that it's a crime for a non-royal to sit on a throne. Not just that, only I am entitled to that seat. You hear me?" my father kept on talking and I felt like fainting. His face was still the same and out of nowhere, my mother appeared by my side. She started grinning and hugged me so tightly.

My parents who were suppose to be dead and buried underground were now alive and they hadn't aged a freaking day! I'm not one to go bat shit crazy if I started to see ghost or weird things happen, but this was my parents. They were alive. The whole fucking time!

"No... you're dead!" I screamed.

"I thought Prince Leonardo explained everything to you, did he not?" my mother interrupted. His name was Leonardo after all.

"Explain what!" I snapped. "Explain that my life is a lie! You're actually alive. What about Danny? How could you do this to him?" My father's grey eyes narrowed.

"Do not bring him up. He is just a mere mortal who decided to take up this job."

"What job?" I screeched.

"Baby-sitting of course! He needed the money, we had the money. He needed a job, I gave him a job." My father replied. I started to shake furiously and I blinked my eyes rapidly. No way in hell would I cry in front of them. They didn't deserve my tears. Footsteps started approaching and I saw Leonardo running in at a incredible speed.

"My dear boy, what are you doing in such a rush?"

"Sorry, your majesty, I just had to inform you that Princess Alicia has not been informed yet," Leonardo said to my father.

"Point taken," my mother replied to Leonardo. Now that I thought about it, Leonardo did have the looks for a prince. Wait... prince? And me... princess? Gosh! I am so slow.

"I'm a princess?" I asked curiously. All eyes turned on me and I could see them all grin. Princess... I liked the sound of that. I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A PRINCESS! "Wooh! I'm a princess. Bow down to me, peasants!" I screamed. I could see the shock in my parents' face. If it was a stupid thing to say, they didn't say anything.

"Wow... I'm glad you took it well. Not exactly what I was expecting," my mother chuckled. I laughed like a maniac and started hugging them like crazy. I really did miss them. Except that I was kind of hurt that Danny would do this to me. He lied. He acted like a brother but really he was just in for the money.

I was invited to dinner and Leo followed me back to my room. I decided to call him Leo because I'm too lazy to pronounce his full name. He didn't say anything until we were back in the room. "Sorry, about the swearing..." I mumbled to him.

"I beg your pardon? Please speak louder."

"I won't repeat it." Leo looked at me amused. On my bed, there were multiple dresses and Leo decided to pick a long satin dress. It was revolting and I hated the colour. It was a green neon coloured dress.

"Your fashion sense sucks! I'm not wearing that." I reached for another gown lying on the bed but Leo snatched it out of my hands. He started grabbing all the other garments on the bed and tossed them out of the window.

"What was that for!" I yelled at him grumpily. Leo smirked at me. Jerk.

I ran towards the window and saw all the garments landing into the pond. He left me with no choice but to wear the stupid ugly green dress. Leo leaned closer to me and I looked upon him with disgust.

"This is what you get for swearing and kicking me in the balls." He smirked at me and I shoved him back. I ran out of the room to find a maid but there was none in sight. I sank back into the room in fury. I demanded and shoved Leo out of my room but he remained like a statue. He even got into the bathroom before I could even close the door.

"I'm not going anymore," I said, accepting defeat.

"Yes you are. I'd still drag you. Alongside with the palace guards."

"But I'm the princess!" I whined.

"Whatever the King wants, the King gets. So you better get changed or else your father will send for people to drag you down. This dinner is to show you off to the nation." I sighed and gave in. I had no choice but get changed in front of him. His grin widened.

Leo took my arm and took me to various staircases and hallways until we reached the dining table. Apparently I was celebrating my arrival back.

"Wait a minute... If I'm the princess, which country am I the princess of?" I questioned loudly.

"You're the Princess of Kendmark."

"Where on Earth is that?" I asked Leo.

"In time, princess. You'll learn everything." I sighed in frustration at Leo. As we made our way to the royal table, a lot of people looked at me in pure fascination. A man who looked around eighteen caught my eye. He had blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. I could get lost in those eyes forever... I immediately flinched when he winked at me. I slightly blushed and sat down.

They served roast and a lot of food. A lot of the guest drank a lot of wine and so did my parents'. I was surprised they weren't even close to drunk. I took a sip of the wine and cringed at the taste of wine. It burned my throat but I liked the feeling of it.

Finally after dinner, my father stood up and raised his glass of wine and introduced me. I nervously nodded at everyone but by the way they were smiling, I could tell that they approved me. I let out a breath.

"I still remember the time when my wife Gwyneth  arrived back to my castle. She brought a lot of love to this kingdom. She brought me joy although, I remember her denials. You cannot deny fate though, can you? Even who you were destined to be with." My father chuckled. "Our peace treaties with other kingdoms have kept us prosperous for centuries now, and today, I finally announce another union. I present my daughter, Princess Alicia of Kendmark and her betrothed Prince  Leonardo of Quenchlin," I nearly choked.


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