"are you sure?" he asked again, and she immediately shook her head.

"i gotta go, my brother is probably wondering where i am but thanks for the offer." she told him and before he could say anything else, she walked away and straight out the door.

the walk back to the chateau was quite, she hoped JJ or John B wasn't awake when she walked in because she had no excuse on where she had been and if they found out she had been to a kooks party, they won't be happy.

she tried her best to open the door quietly, if she woke JJ up coming in then she could use the excuse of going for a joint.

"look who the cat dragged in." John B spoke, looking at the girl trying to sneak in.

"hey," she greeted, "i just went out for a walk."

"you know, deny, deny, deny only works on people who don't know the truth." JJ said, and Bambi knew that she had been caught out.

"free booze, my favorite." she tried to joke but sighed when she didn't see neither of them laughing, "i didn't know i had to tell you guys when i go places and where."

"it's not that, Bambi. you went to the enemy's party." JJ stood up, looking at the shorter girl.

"they came to ours, what's the difference?" she scoffed, getting annoyed.

JJ and Bambi had never argued and if they did, it was over something petty like who drove or who gets the thicker blanket but Bambi knew this was different.

JJ was jealous, although Bambi didn't know that was the reason, it was. Rafe had a lot of things he didn't and if Bambi started liking Rafe more, she would end up leaving him.

and he didn't want that at all.

"Rafe wasn't at the keg and you say you hate kooks but funnily enough end up at every gathering that involves them." JJ fired.

John B looked between the two, he didn't know what to do because he had never seen them argue like this before.

"is this about Rafe? i'm pretty sure i never complain when you go off macking with random tourons." she raised her eyebrow.

"maybe you should both do this in the morning." John B began but was stopped.

"this isn't about Rafe, this is about you going to a kook party without telling none of us, what if something happened?" JJ shook his head.

"did something happen? no. i don't need you there controlling ever second of my life!" Bambi scoffed once more before walking into her room, slamming the door behind her.

John B turned to JJ with a smirk, "jealousy doesn't look good on you."

THE NEXT DAY WAS A WEIRD DAY FOR Bambi, she done the usual, woke up, got ready for the day and went out, except like usual, she hadn't spoke to JJ the whole day.

she would usually speak to her blonde best friend the second she woke up all the way to the second she fell asleep. she didn't know why she hadn't spoke to him, she just couldn't.

John B decided it was best to try out the drone today, the sun was out and the water was nice and calm. she, Pope and JJ were on the dock whilst kiara and John B were in the water.

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