"Blue!" I hear a bunch of fans scream

Blue looks up from her phone then she looks directly at the crowd and she smiles while waving. She

"Hi guys!" Blue says sweetly while she continues to wave at the people

"Mom say hi." Blue adds on as she nudges me softly

"Alright." I reply then I look up from the ground and I wave at them

They immediately start to scream, it sounds like they are gonna pop a vocal chord or something. I tap Megan's hand softly as we continue to walk. She looks over at me before leaning down and kissing me softly.

"Ew stop that! It's gross!" Blue exclaims

"Shut up." I say jokingly before kissing the top of Blue's head

Megan looks at the group of people and she smiles before waving at them. When I tell you they lost their entire shit, screaming, crying shit probably even throwing up it was insane. I chuckle softly then I walk past Megan, taking Blue's hand and we walk backstage.

"Those people are so dramatic." Blue says while laughing

I nod in response then I open my dressing room door for her. Blue walks inside first then I do the same and Megan follows behind us. Megan closes the door behind us and I sit down in the makeup seat.

"I signed a child's vinyl, it was such an adorable experience." Megan says sweetly

"Oh my gosh why didn't you get me, you know I would've been happy to sign the kid's vinyl as well." I pout

"Sorry baby I forgot." She apologizes

Blue sits on the table and she kicks her feet back and forth while holding her phone up. Megan leans down and she kisses my forehead.

"I'm going to go get ready, I love you." She tells me

"I love you more baby." I reply to her then I kiss her knuckles softly

Megan smiles once more before saying bye to Blue then she leaves my dressing room, closing the door behind her.

"Hi grandma." Blue says in a sweet tone

"Hey Blue how are you sweetheart?" Mama's voice echos through Blue's speaker

"I'm great grandma, how are you?" She asks

"I'm amazing, what's up?" Mama asks

"Can I talk to Ru and Sir?" Blue asks

"Of course one second." Mama replies then I begin to hear shuffling around

"Hewwo Blu Blu!" Sir says as he waves into the camera

"Hi sir, how are you big head?" Blue asks him

"My head ain't big, big teeth!" He exclaims through the phone

Blue gasps playfully and she uses her hand to cover her mouth while rolling her eyes.

"Shut up, how are you?" She asks him

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