Reveal (15th)

Começar do início

"Eyes." She simply answered like it was nothing special then she again started walking.

"Wait, Hinata....." Naruto called and went beside her. Now they were walking side by side.

"Ne Hinata are you angry at me?" Naruto asked and anywhere else except Hinata.

"Angry at you? Why?" Hinata asked almost in a teasing tone.

"I know, you knew that I knew his real identity. And I didn't tell you. That's why aren't you angry at me." He asked as he looked down.


"What?" He said as he looked at Hinata who was softly smiling.

"How?" He asked again as he couldn't believe her words.

"Because, I trust you. I know if you don't tell me something then it has its reason behind it." Hinata again softly smiled at Naruto.

Naruto looked away as he didn't wanted to look at her. Some drops of tears had gathered around the corner of his eyes. Did she always trusted him like this?

"Umm... Naruto-kun I have a question?"
Naruto shoved off his emotions and looked at Hinata.

"Hmm... What is it?" He said.

"Why is he, I mean why Obito is doing this things? You told me that it was Madara's plan to start the war. Now that I know he is not Madara then what is the reason he is doing this?" She asked as she continued walking.

"Well I thought you would ask that. Hold me." Naruto said and Hinata stopped in her tracks.

"What do you mean?" Hinata narrowed her eyes.

"Huh....." Naruto sighed and carried her up and took out the famous kunai of his father which was used for the Thunder flying god technique.

"Naruto-kun, what are you doing? Put me down." Hinata struggled in his grip.

"Hold tight otherwise you are gonna fall." Naruto said and both of them disappeared from the place.

They finally reached infront of the waterfall where Naruto demanded that he meet the Sage of six paths.

He put her down and Hinata managed herself after blushing 50 shades of red.
She quickly shoved off everything as she noticed the seriousness in Naruto's face.

Whenever Naruto was serious then it means something was very important.
She looked at Naruto and Naruto looked at her.

"Look what I am going to tell you is something very serious. So this things will stay between me and you." Naruto was dead serious and Hinata was too.

"Listen, The reason Obito is doing this was because of his childhood love, Nohara Rin. She was a member of team 7 under the training ship of my dad, Minato Namikaze."
Hinata's eyes widened as she realised that seriously they looked familiar.

"Kakashi Sensei was a jonin at a early age so he was put into command the of team for one mission. And that mission changed everything. Rin was kidnapped and for saving her Kakashi Sensei and Obito went to a cave but unfortunately the cave collapsed and while saving Kakashi Sensei, Obito got crushed under a rock. His right side was crashed under the rock but his left eye was unharmed. So Obito gifted his one eye to Kakashi Sensei. That's how he got the Sharingan."
Hinata nodded her head as she tried to possess the information.

"Another mission, where Rin got captured by some Iwa-nins and they made her the 3 tails jinchurki. They were going to use her against the leaf as a weapon. So she gave up on her life by jumping infront of Kakashi Sensei's Chidori. Unfortunately, Obito saw this and awakened his Mangekyo. Now, ask me how did Obito survived? Well, it was Madara who saved him."

"What? But Madara? He is too old to be alive?" Hinata said as she couldn't think of anything.

"He was alive that time. He attached a Jetsu's body to obito's left side. And after that long time he was alive because he connected his body to the gedo statue but he died after though."

"How come we never knew he was alive all that time?"

"After the fight with Senju Hashirama he lived in the shadows. He was the one who stole the gedo statue from the moon. And behind all of that Man's action was a creature called Black Jetsu. Kaguya created him at her dying stage so that he can revive her again and now I don't know where that fucking aloe vera is. I have been trying to find him since the day I met the great sage old man but bad luck I couldn't even find him." Naruto finally finished and looked at Hinata who was nodding her head in agreement.

"So now what do we do?" She asked.

"Now we will be going to a hideout to meet a person. I need to do something necessary  to obtain the peace between the villages." Naruto said and Hinata again nodded.

"Who is that person?" Hinata asked out of curiosity.



Hey guys I am really sorry for this delay. Hope you enjoyed the chapter~~

Revenge: Lost love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora