𝖠𝗇 𝖠𝗅𝗅𝗂𝖺𝗇𝖼𝖾! | 2.1 | 𝖯𝗎𝗇𝗄 𝖧𝖺𝗓𝖺𝗋𝖽

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From now on when I'm using third person I'm gonna use you, your, you're, etc for Y/N^^

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From now on when I'm using third person I'm gonna use you, your, you're, etc for Y/N^^


"I didn't expect to see you guys here!"

Luffy exclaimed, smiling brightly. "Thanks for helping me." He thanked, then blinked and looked around. "Where are the talking bear and the others?" Law gave no response, just a blank stare.

"I'm glad you made it, Luffy!" You exclaimed, happy that your friend survived two years with his injury.

Law added, "Don't thank me for that. I did it on the spur of the moment." He turned to his side, you copied his action. "We're both pirates. Don't forget that."

Luffy then smiled, which is what you liked most about him, his cheerful energy that could be contagious if you were with him for too long. "Shishishi~! Yeah, we're all enemies when it comes to the One Piece. But I owe so many people for helping me two years ago." Luffys grin grew wider, "First I saw Jinbei, now you guys! I'm so lucky~!" He gave out his thanks, once again.

 "Thank you!"

Right after Luffy's praise, you, and every other pirate, could hear footsteps and shouts. "Oh, the Navy!" The straw hat-wearing boy said, then noticed a familiar female. "Is she...?" Tashigi jumps onto the passed-out smoker. "I thought so! It's Smokey and his group!" He waved to them, "It's been a while!"

𝖭𝖠𝖳𝖴𝖱𝖤𝖲 𝖠𝖫𝖫𝖴𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦 𝖠𝖭𝖠𝖳𝖧𝖤𝖬𝖠𝖳𝖨𝖹𝖤Where stories live. Discover now