It's still early, not even seven yet. It's quite chilly, the sun only just peeking over the horizon and rain drizzling down from the clouds above. Chaewon isn't even completely awake yet, disoriented in that unpleasant way when you're yanked out of sleep too early.

The only bright side is that it's early enough that there's nobody around to see her having a mild mental breakdown. Chaewon knows what she must look like right now. She hasn't showered, her hair isn't brushed, her clothes are wrinkled from spending all night thrown on the floor. She looks like she's sneaking out of some trashy one night stand, commencing her walk of shame before the city can get too busy.

Chaewon would almost have preferred a drunk hook up with a total stranger. Being clowned in the group chat for a few months would have been preferable to being dumb enough to kiss Yunjin with a decade of longing behind it.

Chaewon walks until she finds an empty bus shelter, ducking under it to hide from the rain and try to calm herself down. She texts Yunjin a flimsy excuse for when she wakes up — had to go into work, someone called in sick and they needed cover — so Yunjin doesn't immediately think she's freaked out and ran away. Which she absolutely has, and Yunjin will absolutely know that. She'd just like to pretend for a little bit longer that Yunjin won't see through her.

She knows she's taking the cowardly way out, running away so she doesn't have to face the aftermath, but she couldn't be there any longer. She couldn't be there when Yunjin woke up.

Chaewon's never felt so stupid in her life. She knew this would happen. She knew that if she slept with Yunjin it would just make everything worse. There's no way that Yunjin didn't figure it out. There's no fucking way that Yunjin could have looked at her after and not figured it out. What the hell was she thinking?

She's so stupid.

The most humiliating part about this whole humiliating ordeal is that she was so damn easy for Yunjin. All Yunjin had to do was kiss her neck and call her baby and that was it, Chaewon was falling apart. A couple whispered words, a few heated touches, and then Chaewon was serving her heart up on a silver platter to get ripped out by the one person she can never really have because Yunjin's never going to see her that way.

She's so stupid.

Chaewon sighs, calls an Uber to take her home, successfully sneaks in without being caught by Ryujin, and it isn't until she's in the safety of her bedroom, getting undressed to climb into her own bed that doesn't smell like cherry fucking blossoms and sleep for at least a week, that she realises she picked up one of Yunjin's sweaters from the floor and not her own.


It's radio silence for three days.

They hooked up on Saturday night. Chaewon ran away on Sunday morning. It's now Wednesday afternoon, and Chaewon is waiting for Jiwoo and her questionably poor timekeeping skills — time is a man-made concept, Chaewonie! — so they can get lunch before going to the library to study for a few hours.

Except when Jiwoo eventually shows up, penguin beanie on her head and wearing one of Sooyoung's expensive designer hoodies, she gives Chaewon a guilty look and says, "Do you mind if we make a quick detour after we've eaten?"

The 'detour' is apparently just dropping some food off for Sooyoung, who responded to Jiwoo's earlier text about lunch with I'm hungry and about ten pleading face emojis, and Jiwoo proceeded to be fifteen minutes late meeting Chaewon because she was too busy fixing Sooyoung a little dosirak. Which is fine, except Jiwoo fails to mention that Sooyoung can't go out and get her own damn food because she's currently holed up in the dance studio, working on choreography for the upcoming winter showcase.

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