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Early June, in that brief period of time between Sooyoung and Yunjin's birthdays, when Chaewon refuses to touch a single drop of alcohol because she's either still recovering from the chaos of Sooyoung's birthday or she's trying to prepare for the upcoming chaos of Yunjin's, Ryujin convinces everyone to go out on a Saturday night.

It takes a bit of sweet-talking and a few aegyo-filled promises not to abandon her to go dance (Yunjin) or flirt with a stranger (Ryujin) or make out with their girlfriend in the bathroom (Jiwoo), but eventually Chaewon agrees and she gets ready beforehand at Yunjin and Sooyoung's place.

Club-Sooyoung really looks no different than regular-Sooyoung; ripped black jeans, some designer label crop top that shows off her abs, topped with a leather jacket. Yunjin, on the other hand, has swapped her usual denim shorts and soft sweaters for black jeans so tight they look painted on and a sleeveless white tshirt with a picture of a red Yunjiniestick print on it. Her hair is down, black waves tumbling down her back, and Chaewon has to make a conscious effort to keep her jaw attached to the rest of her head.

It's been a while since she last saw Yunjin truly dressed to kill; she will be genuinely surprised if Yunjin manages to get through the door of the club without someone stopping her to hit on her.

Complicated feelings for her best friend and general distaste for loud sweaty clubs aside, Chaewon quite likes having cute girls flirt with her and buy her drinks, so she's also made an effort, digging out the pair of shorts she knows makes her ass look good and pairing it with a black and white contrast shirt buttoned up to the top. Sooyoung wolf whistles obnoxiously at her when she walks out of Yunjin's bedroom after getting changed, and Yunjin cheerfully says looking good while wiggling her eyebrows in a ridiculous manner than does absolutely nothing to lessen Chaewon's attraction to her.

"You know it's a lesbian club, right?" Chaewon says, trying not to stare too openly at Yunjin's exposed biceps while she finishes off her makeup in the bathroom mirror.

Yunjin makes a face. "Ryujin invited us. I had a hunch that this place would attract a certain crowd."

"I'm just saying. Looking like that, I hope you're ready to break a lot of poor gay hearts tonight."

"I think I'll manage," Yunjin laughs. "First of all, pretty much every one of my friends, including you might I add, is either a lesbian or bisexual." Yunjin pauses and looks thoughtful. "Or questionably straight."

Not you though, a cruel voice in Chaewon's head pipes up, you've never even looked at a girl. Not once.

"Secondly, I'm regularly surrounded by sweaty, half-naked women at the dance studio where I am also regularly exposed to an unnecessary amount of PDA thanks to Joohyun-unnie and Seulgi-unnie. Also, I live with Sooyoung. Sooyoung. So, I think I'll be able to handle it if some cute girl wants to buy me a drink," Yunjin finishes, putting the cap back onto her Yunjiniestick and flashing Chaewon a blood red grin that makes her shiver. "Besides, you're one to talk. You think anyone's going to be paying attention to me when I walk in next to you?"

Yunjin reaches out, adjusting the collar of Chaewon's shirt. She can feel the warmth of Yunjin's hand, even through the layer of fabric, and her predictable hopeless heart quickens when Yunjin's thumb grazes against her neck.

"What jacket did you bring?"

"My leather one," Chaewon says. "The one without the nail polish stain on the sleeve that Heejin still swears wasn't her."

"Good. That's— that's good. You look good in it."

Chaewon is very aware of the minimal distance between them. It would be easy, it would be so, so easy to lean forward and close that distance, to see if Yunjin tastes the same now as she did then, to see if her Yunjinies are as soft as Chaewon remembers.

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