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(Mature Content Warning)

Everyone begins filtering out when it starts to get late, until there's only six of them left; Chaewon, Yunjin, Jiwoo, Sooyoung, Ryujin and Yeji.

There's a horror movie about vampires playing on the television that Chaewon's pretty sure Jiwoo only picked so she had an excuse to sit in Sooyoung's lap despite the entire sofa being free. Ryujin and Yeji are curled up on one of the armchairs, Ryujin watching the movie in fascination while Yeji hides in her shoulder. Chaewon and Yunjin have migrated to one of the other armchairs, one that's technically big enough to fit both of them, but Chaewon finds herself halfway onto Yunjin's lap anyway. Yunjin's the one to initiate it, looping her arms loosely around Chaewon's waist so Chaewon can settle back against her front, so who is Chaewon to complain?

After one of the vampires eats her third victim in five minutes, and coincidentally Yeji yelps for the third time in five minutes at the resulting scream and spray of blood arcing across the screen, Ryujin and Yeji announce they're leaving.

"Before I'm traumatised any further," Yeji mutters as she puts her coat on, sending Jiwoo a dirty look where she's snuggled into Sooyoung's arms.

"Don't worry," Ryujin beams, slinging her arm around Yeji's shoulders. "I'll protect you from the big bad vampires."

Yeji goes slightly pink, and Chaewon gives her a pointed look while Ryujin is preoccupied with saying goodbye to Jiwoo and Sooyoung. Yeji counters it with a raised eyebrow at her position tucked into Yunjin's side, and Chaewon looks away.

Jiwoo and Sooyoung stopped pretending to pay attention to the movie after the opening credits, and Chaewon isn't really surprised when they disappear into Sooyoung's bedroom when there's still fifty minutes left of the movie, leaving Chaewon and Yunjin alone in the living room.

Despite not being the biggest fan of horror, Chaewon's actually gotten quite into the movie, although that might have something to do with the fact one of the vampire hunters is cute. Yunjin, however, doesn't seem quite as interested in the glaringly obvious tension between the hunter and one of the main vampires (also cute), and spends the majority of those fifty minutes annoying Chaewon and trying to get her attention.

"You're so clingy," Chaewon grumbles, finally relenting and looking at Yunjin once the credits start rolling.

"I'm not clingy," Yunjin says, tightening her arms around Chaewon's waist. "We meet each other halfway. You're just as big a softie as I am."

"I am not."

"You are," Yunjin says in delight, poking at Chaewon's cheek. "A clingy, grumpy little softie."

"Go away."

"A tiny little tsundere who cries at romcoms."

"I don't— that was one time," Chaewon huffs, swatting at Yunjin's hand. "And I am not tiny."

Yunjin chuckles, mumbles something that sounds suspiciously like the tiniest Moomin, and buries her face in Chaewon's shoulder. Chaewon leans into the touch, feels Yunjin breathing against her, the steady movement of her chest against Chaewon's back. Yunjin fits against her so seamlessly, so easily, and Chaewon closes her eyes for a moment.

"Chaewonnie," Yunjin murmurs eventually, voice low and quiet, right her ear. Something about her voice is different this time, and it makes Chaewon open her eyes, turn her head to look at Yunjin.

Even after all these years, the sight of Yunjin's face so close to her own makes Chaewon's heart pound.

It's dark in the living room; the lights are off and the glow from the television is limited with the black screen of the credits, but Chaewon would recognise Yunjin even in the pitch black, every feature on her face as familiar to Chaewon as coming home.

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