Yunjin, however, takes offense at being relegated to the little spoon, and she shoves Chaewon in response, and then Chaewon shoves her right back, and then they're shoving each other and squealing and wrestling around on Chaewon's bed like kids. Or tipsy twenty year olds.

They scuffle for a bit as both of them try to overpower the other, Yunjin shrieking at one point loud enough that Chaewon really hopes Ryujin and her 'friend' haven't returned here for their little rendezvous, and Chaewon tries valiantly, but Yunjin is bigger and stronger and she eventually wins out, successfully pushing Chaewon onto her back and pinning her down.

It's no different than the play-wrestling and tickling fights when they were kids, when chasing each other around the playground or Yunjin's backyard or the park while Chaewon's mom yelled at them to be careful had been the best part of Chaewon's day.

Now, looking up at Yunjin, the warmth that floods through her chest and stirs in her stomach is a far cry from their harmless child's play. This close, she can see every detail on Yunjin's face. The scar between her eyebrows from that ill-fated game of duck duck goose so long ago, each individual eyelash and the little smudge of mascara she's missed on her left eye, the way her Yunjinies are still shiny and red even with her Yunjiniestick wiped off, like she's been licking and biting at them the whole time she's been lying next to Chaewon. Any closer and Yunjin would probably be able to feel the way Chaewon's heart is ricocheting around her chest.

It's dark in Chaewon's room. Half of Yunjin's face is drenched in shadow, the other half illuminated by the moonlight seeping in through the cracks in the curtain. It's dark, but Chaewon doesn't miss the way Yunjin leans down slightly, and this time she's definitely not imagining it. There's no strobe light effects or people bumping into them to blame it on.

"Chaewonnie," Yunjin murmurs, her eyes flickering down to Chaewon's mouth.

Chaewon can't breathe. Can't do anything except stare transfixed at Yunjin's face inches from her own. Her voice is far lower than she expected and more vulnerable than she would like when she eventually manages to get words out. "Yunjin, what are you doing?"

"Chaewonnie," Yunjin repeats, ignoring her question and dipping her head close enough that Chaewon feels their noses brush. "Can I kiss you?"

Chaewon's heart stops, reboots, and starts beating at a slightly alarming pace.


"It's not like— it won't be the first time we've kissed," Yunjin says. Slurs, really, her voice lower and her sentences slower than usual, which is just another reminder that neither of them are really in the right condition to be considering this. She's not wasted, but she's not sober either. "You're drunk, I'm drunk, we're both here, we're both— you know..."

No, Chaewon doesn't know. She doesn't know anything anymore because there's no way that Yunjin — HuhYunjin, her best friend for over a decade, of which approximately half of that time Chaewon has been in love with her for, and who has never been anything but painfully, torturously heterosexual — is suggesting what Chaewon thinks she's suggesting.

"It's not a big deal."

It's not a big deal. That— that stings a little. Aches, actually, in a way that Chaewon has been trying to ignore for years now. But it's clearly not an ache that Yunjin's ever felt, and right now she's offering something, something that she's unlikely to ever offer again because really, why the hell would she? She might be single at the moment, but it's only a matter of time before some six foot adonis with dimples and abs and swoopy bangs that fall perfectly into his eyes comes in and sweeps her off her feet, and Chaewon...

Well, at the end of the day, Chaewon has always been entirely too weak when it comes to her best friend.

So instead of saying anything, Chaewon cups the back of Yunjin's neck with her hand and pulls her down to press their Yunjinies together. Yunjin makes a small noise of surprise, like she wasn't actually expecting Chaewon to agree, before she's kissing Chaewon back, eager and wanting, and it's electric.

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