That— that is something that Chaewon does not think about. She had her mandatory mental breakdown in one of Park Chaeyoung's mansion's spare bedrooms after she got locked in a closet with Yunjin for seven minutes, and then she shoved it down and has been successfully suppressing it for the last four years.

Yunjin is still lingering too close to her, her smug smile from Chaewon's compliments having faded into something softer. She wonders if her heart will ever beat normally around Yunjin, or if she's just doomed to a life of skipped beats around her tragically straight best friend.

The moment is broken when someone clears their throat pointedly in the doorway.

"If you two are quite done," Sooyoung says, in that annoying all-knowing voice like she's privy to some big secret the rest of the world isn't. Chaewon wonders how long she's been standing there. "The Uber is outside."

Chaewon takes a moment to recover, before she follows Yunjin and Sooyoung out the door.


For once, the majority of the group can make it.

Jiwoo and Sooyoung, who are still in the honeymoon phase one year on from love at first sight; Ryujin, who's been in love with her best friend since the beginning of time itself, and Yeji, who is the only person on the planet unaware of Ryujin's feelings; Sana and Momo, two girls on the university's dance team with Yunjin and Sooyoung who Chaewon still can't quite figure out if they're together or just really close friends; Heejin and Hyunjin, who have been living in domestic bliss after being assigned as roommates freshman year and then the subsequent several months of glaringly obvious pining; and Yunjin and Chaewon who are... just friends.

The club Ryujin is taking them to is called Eden, and it's in Itaewon, which tells Chaewon all she needs to know about the place, but stepping through the door after having being carded by an intimidating man with biceps the size of Chaewon's head just makes it more apparent that this is not the type of establishment she would frequent on a regular basis.

Everything about the place looks expensive, from the dance floor the size of a football field filled with people clad in designer labels, to the DJ playing from a gleaming chrome balcony above the crowd and the numerous private booths and VIP areas roped off littered around the edge of the floor.

Chaewon's idea of a fun Saturday night is like, a few drinks and belting out Girls Generation's entire discography at their regular karaoke bar, or drunk Mario Kart at Yunjin and Sooyoung's apartment where, if she's feeling particularly wild, she might even indulge in some of the weed Sooyoung always seems to have on hand. Not a neon-lit, packed to the brim, pretentious club where they charge you a month's rent for one cocktail.

Chaewon can't help but tense up for a few seconds, before a familiar hand sYunjinies into one of her own, as if sensing her apprehension.

"Hey, it'll be fun, okay?" Yunjin says, smiling that soft, gentle smile that instantly calms some of Chaewon's nerves, just like it always does. "If you need some air or a break or something at any point, just come get me and we can get out of here for a bit."

Chaewon squeezes her hand, giving her a grateful smile. "Thanks, unnie."

The three of them are the last to arrive, and the others have already managed to secure a booth miraculously close to the bar. Jiwoo and Sooyoung greet each other with their usual amount of unnecessary enthusiasm — there's a lot of tongue involved — Sana and Momo have definitely been pre-gaming for a while if the giggling is anything to go by, and Chaewon receives her second obnoxious wolf whistle of the day courtesy of Ryujin when she sits down next to her.

"Damn, who knew you could clean up so well?"

"Bite me," Chaewon grumbles, and Ryujin just winks at her.

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