~Dare 9~

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(Ari/Nyx here! [the next chapter that I write, I'll just be using Nyx for the simplicity but you can still call me Kyari or Ari even though that is not recommended] Thanks for the dare @LunchOnVal and why don't we start on this?)

Khloris: Everyone! We have a new dare~

Snowdrop: Ugh, it's just Dare the Eeveelutions now! Where did the asking go?

Thunder: Hm, maybe we'll get a question once in a century?

Khloris: Thunder, stop. That's my job. Anyways, the dare is to have a hotdog eating contest for everyone.

Ashfire: Hmm...but how many will we need?

Khloris: Sage, Ash, didn't you two go to the market last night?

Ashfire and Sage: Uh, yeah?

Khloris: Did you guys perhaps get some hotdog buns?

Rain: We also need sausages and some dressing of some sort!

Thunder: We have some sausages and some ketchup if that's helpful.

Rain: What if I like hotdogs with ranch dressing?

Nightshade: Uh...

Thunder: Rain, that isn't even a thing! And besides, dressing is DISGUSTING!

Rain: Or Berry Paste?

Elea: I thought the Berry Paste that Sunny and Khloe made was a "substitute" for jam or something.

Thunder: And Rain, Berry Paste on hotdogs is as bad as ranch dressing on hotdogs! What's wrong with your taste?

Rain: What's wrong with your ability to hide your crush from Sn-

Thunder: RAINN!!

Khloris: AHEM-anyways, let's start this. Ashfire, start the barbecue grill. Someone start making hotdogs.

After finishing all preparations for the hotdog contest...

Khloris: Everybody ready?

Everybody: Yep!

Khloris: Alright! Whoever eats the most hotdogs in-emm-10 minutes, gets nothing! And whoever finishes last gets a Berry Pie in the face! Except for Elea and Root, they can just eat it.


Khloris: Three, two, one, GOOO!

Everyone: starts stuffing hotdogs in mouth furiously

After 9 minutes...

Elea: stares at Ashfire's empty plate and stares at her own quarter-full plate

Root: gives Elea a hotdog Mmm!

Elea: throws hotdog into Root's face and shoves 4 hotdogs into mouth with some effort

Khloris: 30-shoves hotdog into mouth-seconds left!

Everybody: literally eating as fast as possible


Khloris: The winner is...NO ONE!

Everybody: WHAT?!

Khloris: Everyone finished eating the hotdogs. So, nothing happens! Also if you vomit it out you lose instantly~

Sage: What if you have like, a stomach condition?

Khloris: Do you though?

Sage: Sort of.

Khloris: I was just joking. If you have a special condition, it's alright. It's all cool.

Snowdrop: Good game everyone, but what are we gonna do now?

Thunder: I don't recommend eating anything anymore.

Rain: Yeah, let's just skip lunch.

Khloris: This is lunch though...?


Sunshine: I think we should either eat a Berry each for dinner or just skip. 12 hotdogs per Eeveelution in 10 minutes is quite painful for the stomach.

Nightshade: For once, I actually agree with you.

Sunshine: Ugh...

Rain: So what are we gonna do now?

Ashfire: I dunno...

Elea: Uh, Root and I are gonna go for a walk outside.

Khloris: I'm coming as well.

Root: Whyyyy??? whining

Khloris: What if you get Eevee-napped?

Elea: Noo!

Khloris: You will if you two go alone. Now where are we going?

Root: I dunno.

Elea: Park?

Khloris: Sure. Thunder, take over.

Thunder: Finally! I won't have to quarrel with some-

Khloris: ...What. Did. You. Say?

Ashfire: Uh, I think you should retreat.

Thunder: I said that I don't have to argue with some Sylveon who doesn't know how to-

Khloris: launches self with full force

Thunder: AAAAAAAAH!! falls down

Nightshade: cough cough Y'all down for Eeveelution Housewife Season 2?

Ashfire: I guess the show ain't that bad.

Sage: Yeah...!

Nightshade: Great! Thunder you comin'?

Thunder: dead /j

Khloris: walks out door while grabbing Elea and Root So...ahem which park are we going to?

Elea: Y'know, the usual.

Khloris: What's the usual?

Root: ...Khloe, so you're not gonna tell us why you hit Thunder?

Khloris: ...


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