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Khloris: Welcome to Ask or Dare the Eeveelutions, where Arceus is going to make life double as hard for us!

Thunder: Khloe! That's not how you do it!

Khloris: I'm not lying though...

Thunder: Okay, I'll do it. Hello everyone, welcome to Ask or Dare the Eeveelutions!

Khloris: That's not descriptive enough!

Thunder: Oh, please. You were being way too exact the first time!

Snowdrop: walks in Why are you two arguing?

Khloris: We're not! He's just being extra!

Snowdrop: I feel like Khloe would be extra instead of Thunder, to be honest.

Khloris: You're always on his side!

Nightshade: walks in STOP ARGUING AND FOCUS!

Thunder: You're not the boss of any of us!

Nightshade: I'm just trying to watch Netflix...

Snowdrop: You're not supposed to! You were supposed to get ready for any truth or dare that was going to come!

Khloris: This is all just meaningless talk!

Snowdrop: Khloe, stop always being on Nightshade's side!

Khloris: But you're always on Thunder's side!

complete silence

Ashfire (in the living room): Finally, some peace!

Thunder: Anyways...Khloe, continue!

Khloris: Uh...we would like to accept any questions or dares for any of us! Leave them in the comments, and we'll also give you extra credit when we put it in-

Thunder: Too extra. Have you seen an Ask or Dare book that does not feature the person who commented the question or dare?

Khloris: I just want to make sure that they trust us!

Snowdrop: Why wouldn't they?

Khloris: Stop teaming on me!

Thunder: sigh Okay, anyways... we will generate a random dare just to start you all off!

Nightshade: Featuring-


Snowdrop: I thought it was an online spinner?

Ashfire: Well, spinner and the technology! It's called Chat GPT!

Khloris: Oh, yeah! It's really useful. So we'll be using both of them?

Ashfire: Yeah.

Thunder: Finally, Ash, you've been smart for once.

Ashfire: HEY!

Khloris: So, let the technician-Ash-login to those 2 websites, and your hosts-Khloe and Thunder-shall peace out for a bit!

Ask Or Dare The EeveelutionsWhere stories live. Discover now