~Dare 7~

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(It's me! Hi! I'm Liliana, it's me! Anyways, um, this is yet another dare from @Party-Tron! Awesome dare, hope you guys like it!)

Khloris: I love this dare!

Thunder: What is it?

Khloris: Call the others, and I'll tell you.


All Eeveelutions: Yeah?

Thunder: There. Now, tell us!

Khloris: I'll read it out loud-

Sage: Is it another dare?

Khloris: Yep!

Nightshade: Good? Or bad?

Khloris: Really good!

Nightshade: Whew.

Khloris: Anyways, the dare is... Thunder, you have to wear a Glaceon hoodie!

Snowdrop and Thunder: A what?!?

Khloris: A Glaceon hoodie! And you, Snow, have to wear a... Jolteon hoodie!

Snowdrop and Thunder: A WHAT?!?!

Khloris: You heard me!

Thunder: But, umm... we don't have any of those kinds of hoodies! So, welp- no more dare! Hehe...

Khloris: Oh, but- we do have Glaceon and Jolteon hoodies!

Sunshine and Rain: We do???

Khloris: Yep! After we heard this dare, me and Nightshade immediately went to the mall to buy the hoodies!

Thunder: Night, how could you?!?

Nightshade: Sor-REE. Not.

Snowdrop: Okay... fine... Well do it. W-here are the hoodies?

Khloris: Right- here! shows hoodies Heree- you go! hands Glaceon hoodie to Thunder And, here- you go! hands Jolteon hoodie to Snowdrop Now go change into them!

Snowdrop: ... goes to room and changes, then heads back out

Thunder: does the same but in his room

Khloris: Aww, you guys look SO CUTE!

Thunder: Do we?

Snowdrop: slightly embarrassed How long will this be for?

Khloris: The person who dared us didn't say, but- we're going to make it the whole day!

Thunder and Snowdrop: WHAT?!?

Khloris: Hehe, yup!

Thunder: This is going to be fun... sarcasm

Snowdrop: I know, right... sarcasm x2 Wait. What else are we doing?

Khloris: They didn't say anything about doing anything else in particular.

Thunder: Good.

Khloris: Anyways, dramatic cough cough do you like the comfort? What'd you rate it out of? Guess what it's made of!

Snowdrop: Khloe, Khloe, Khloe! Stop!

Khloris: Yeah?

Snowdrop: Calm. Down.

Khloris: No.

Everyone: silence

Thunder: Yeah, it feels weird.

Snowdrop: What do you mean "it feels weird"? Like how can a hoodie be "weird"?

Nightshade: Sorry to interrupt, but I think you're all going too overboard. Why don't we just settle down, watch a group movie and pass the time?

Ask Or Dare The EeveelutionsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang