~Dare 6~

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(Hello, Liliana here! A dare from another person! @Force14Gaming2004, thanks for the suggestion! Although it might be too early for it, we'll try it!)

Khloris: I jut read this dare, and... to be honest, I do not like it.

Thunder: What is it? peeks at paper

Khloris: No looking! raises paper up away from his reach

Thunder: Why not?! I'm the host, y'know.

Khloris: Well, so am I!

Thunder: Come on! Just show me! jumps up to snatch paper and reads

Khloris: Fine, but you won't like it, probably won't even like it more than I do.

Thunder: somehow turns pale  H- What is this?!? I don't want to do this! And right after me and Snow being alone, too!

Khloris: I told you! But, a dare's a dare, we gotta do it.

Thunder: sigh  Yeah... I guess you're right. Gotta please the readers, right?

Khloris: Yep! Now, why not you go ask the boys to ask their crushes out?

Thunder: Why the boys?

Khloris: sigh  Honestly, have you ever seen a girl ask a boy out?

Thunder: Uh, yeah?

Khloris: Oh yeah? When?

Thunder: In movies, I think.

Khloris: That's- you know what, never mind. Just call them!

Thunder: Okay, fine! Jesus shmeezus. goes to living room

Khloris: Oh my Arceus, finally-!  goes to Rain's room

In the living room...

Nightshade and Ashfire: watching Netflix

Thunder: Hey, guys! We have a dare, come here so I can tell you guys!

Nightshade: Nah, I'd much rather watch Netflix than doing dares.

Thunder: Oh, well, then. Too bad. The dare was really good.

Nightshade: I change my mind, tell me! runs to Thunder

Ashfire: Yes! follows

Root: Me toos! also

Thunder: Well, you guys have to ask your crushes out, for the dare.

Nightshade, Ashfire and Root: WHAT?!? 

Thunder: A dare's a dare. I'll be doing it too, we all have to.

Nightshade: Why us boys?

Root: nods  Yeah!

Thunder: I don't know, Khloe told me to.

Ashfire:... BUT I DON' WANNA!

Nightshade: What are you, a two year-old?

Ashfire:... No...

Root: Like me?

Nightshade: ...You're six, not two.

Root: Oh. Yeah... I knew that.

Thunder: Then let's go!

Ashfire: But then the ask we had would just be...

Nightshade: Revealed?

Ashfire: Yeah!

Thunder: Well, you guys already know my crush, so... yeah. Anyways! Let's go to the main room and wait for the others. goes to main room

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