~Dare 6 (part 2)~

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(Liliana, again! And this is part two of Dare 6! We got this dare from @Force14Gamin2004. Last time we left off, the Eeveelutions all confessed their loves, and now they will begin to date! Get your ships ready to sail!)

Khloris: Today's the day!

Ashfire: ARGHH!

Thunder: cheerfully  What's wrong, Ash?

Ashfire: I dunno... what if Sage doesn't like me anymore?

Khloris: Well, she said yes to your confession to her.

Ashfire: I added the word "anymore" . If you weren't deaf, Khloe, you would've heard!

Khloris: I'm not deaf!

Thunder: Of course you aren't! Well, maybe you are...  And it's fine, Ash. I know she likes you.


Thunder: She literally said yesterday. Remember?

Ashfire: But that was ye-


Sage: peeks head in  What's going on in here?

Ashfire: Nothing!

Sage: Okay...?

Khloris: Let's start the dare! Sage, call the others!

Sage: I did already! And also, don't you mean continue the dare?

Khloris: Meh, same thing! Anyways, TIME TO ASK THEM OUTTT!

Thunder: goes to Snowdrop  Hi, where do you want to go?

Snowdrop: I don't know, eat lunch?

Rain: You mean brunch?

Snowdrop: Same thing!

Thunder: Where to?

Snowdrop: PIZZA!

Thunder: laughs  Alright. Let's go! goes to pizza place

Snowdrop: follows gleefully

Ashfire: Um, so-! Sage, where d'you want to go?

Sage: I don't know... a market, maybe? We could buys some groceries!

Ashfire: That actually sounds not bad!

Rain: Unless you accidentally set the vegetables on fire.

Ashfire: Oh, shut up! Let's go, Sage! head out towards the market

Sage: follows

Nightshade: How about you, Khloe?

Khloris: Um... I actually think we should stay home. For two reasons. One; so we can keep an eye on Elea and Root. And two; so we can watch Netflix together.

Nightshade: REALLY?!?

Khloris: Yep!

Sunshine: What about us, Rain?


Sunshine: Heh, I agree-! Let's go to the biggest one in town!

Rain: YESS! And it's the closest one, too! skips to the mall

Sunshine: Wait for me! hurries after her

At the pizza restaurant

Thunder: to the waiter  I would like a Hawaiian pizza, please.

Snowdrop: And I would like a Cheese pizza, thank you.

Thunder: Hawaiian BELONGS on pizza,

Snowdrop: I know.

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