~Dare 2~

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(Hello, it's me, Liliana! This dare is our first suggestion made by @party-tron! Hope you guys enjoy :P )

Khloris: Welcome baackk!

Thunder: I think you said that like, three times already.

Khloris: Oh, whoops. Uhm... hello! We have another dare! Wait- do we?

Thunder: Yes.

Khloris: Oh yeah. Uh, what was it again?

Thunder: You forgot already?

Khloris: No, I'm just making sure!

Thunder: Lame excuse, but okay. whispers in Khloris's ear

Khloris: Oh yeah! I remember now! Okay. Hello everybody! It's your hosts again, Khloe...

Thunder: ...And Thunder!

Khloris: Yep! Todays dare is...

Thunder: ...Rain to hit someone with a water balloon and run away! Without being caught!

Khloris: But what if she does get caught?

Thunder: ...Then she'll be dead! But it's alright. RAINNN!

Rain: teleports over somehow Yea?

Thunder: We have a dare for youuuu.

Rain: Oh really? YESS! What is it?

Khloris: To hit someone with a water balloon and run away.

Rain: I LOVE THAT! Who should I do it on?

Thunder: Uh, anyone of your choice?

Rain: YAY! Okay, so. I think the boys are really fun to prank, because they overreact. But I think I should do a girl. Hmm... how about Sunshine?

Khloris: Sure! But- she could find out easily by reading our minds.

Rain: Eh, it'll be worth it!

Khloris: Whatever you say! Here's the balloon. hands Rain a blue balloon full of water

Rain: Thanks! Byee! leaves to Sunshine's room

Thunder: Oo, boy! This better be worth it, because I put a camera on Rain.

Khloris: You WHAT?!

Thunder: Shh, it's no biggie. We can see what will happen this way!

Khloris: I guess...

Khloris and Thunder: checks camera


Rain: hiding balloon behind her back Helloo, Sunny!

Sunshine: looks up from book she was reading Huh? Oh, hi. Why'd you call me Sunny?

Rain: Because why not? Do you not like it?

Sunshine: No, it's not like that. I'm just not used to it.

Rain: edges closer  Oh, okay. Soo, watcha reading?

Sunshine: A book?

Rain: Specifically, I mean. The title.

Sunshine: You never do that usually.

Rain: Oh. Welp, that changes NOW!

Sunshine: Yeah, I suppose so. Here. gives book to Rain

Rain: "The Legends of Arceus?" Uh...

Sunshine: Got into some history, y'know...

Rain: I read this when I was an Eevee though...

complete and extremely awkward silence

Sunshine: Reread, you know? Hah...uh...

Rain: Uhm... I don't wanna do this anymore!

Sunshine: So? What's up?

Rain: puts down book Can I tell you a joke?

Sunshine: Sure?

Rain: Soo...what did the water balloon say to the Espeon?

Sunshine: Uhm-what?

Rain: You're the queen of pop! yeets water balloon at Sunshine and dives out of the room

Sunshine: What the-COME BACKK!

With the hosts...

Khloris: Arceus-have mercy on Rain-it's just a dare...

Thunder: What are you doing?

Khloris: Praying-

Rain: dashes into the room hurriedly and hides under the table

Thunder: Is the prayer even working...?

Khloris: Who knows-

Sunshine: runs in WHERE'S RAIN?

Thunder: Rain? It's sunny outside-

Khloris: Not the weather!

Sunshine: Where's Rain?

Thunder: Vaporeon? Or Rain-

Sunshine: Vaporeon.

Khloris: Why? Did something happen?

Sunshine: I'm all wet!

Thunder: But it was never rainy today-

Khloris: I swear-Thunder-you have the brainsize of a sixteenth of a grain of salt!

Thunder: Why so descriptive?

Khloris: I was always careful, unlike someone with spikes...

Thunder: HEY!

Sunshine: No-seriously, Khloe-do you know where Rain, the Vaporeon is?

Khloris: Why?

Sunshine: I swear to Arceus-ANSWER MEHH!

Khloris: Give me a VALID REASON!

Sunshine: She made a really bad joke.

Thunder: ...that's it?

Sunshine: Then, she threw a water balloon at my face and ran away.

Khloris: I would do the same.

Thunder: Throw the balloon at Sunny? Or...

Khloris: death stare

Thunder: Whoa, whoa! Sorry, okay?

Sunshine: Valid reasonings for you, Khloe?

Khloris: I guess.

Sunshine: So...?

Khloris: Nope.

Sunshine: All of that-

Thunder: Maybe ask Root or Elea?

Sunshine: Okay...I guess. Thanks. leaves

Rain: peeks

Khloris: Now you owe both of us one!

Rain: Okay...also, should I get something from the Pokepuff store-

Sunshine: bursts in RAIN! AND YOU 2!

Thunder: See you all up there! salute

Khloris: salute

Rain: salute

Sunshine: tackles

We'll be right back meme music
To be continued...

(Hello! Kyari [the no-life writer] here! The start of this chapter is written by Lilliana, and I wrote the middle and last part! I hope you enjoy! Please yeet your dares or asks into the comments! Thank you, and have a brilliant day!)

Ask Or Dare The EeveelutionsWhere stories live. Discover now