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Luna Pov

We all 3 get ready today is the first time when I was wearing a short type of dress actually I don't like these types of dress much but cuz of Lucy I am wearing it

I was about to walk out of the house when suddenly I got a text ahhh.....fuck I have to go to the boxing center for a important meeting ahhh...its ok I will tell them

Jk:let's go guys *smiles* both go I will come there directly *smiles*

Jk:why where are you going *raised eyebrow*

Luna:actually there is a emergency meeting of all the boxers so I have to go there *smiles*

Lucy:aish...okgo ahead we will wait for you *smiles*

Luna:no way you both go I will join you both directly

Jk:ok..then we are leaving *smiles*

They both walked out of the house and I also walked out towards my boxing center well the dress I was wearing is not taht bad but ok its my first time sk soon I reached there and our meeting started


Author Pov

A man dressed in all black sitting on the bar counter drinking his drink his eyes were looking for someone but he was relaxed suddenly his eyes fall on a boy he was looking for he was about to walked towards him but

He saw a girl is also with him so he backed away he doesn't want to ruin his private life he again sat on hi bar chair and started watching him hoping that he will surely look at him suddenly his another man came and said

Man:sir do you need anything

??:no i am good by the way who is with jk *raised eyebrow*

Man:sir she is one of his childhood friend

??:hmm...I see well....I don't want to ruin his privacy so just tell him sneakily that Kim Taehyung is waiting for him *smile*

Man:ok...sir *walks away*

Taehyung Pov

I was just waiting for him cuz I want to talk to him seems like his friend is really very crazy she was doing a pole dance and dancing and he was also dancing like crazy

Seems like they are celebrating something suddenly my eyes fall on a entrance and a girl dressed in all black with a bun entered and walked towards them furiously damn who is she

I get up form my seat and walked towards them and stood in some distance so I can abel to see her and hear there talks my man was about to approach jk but I signalled him to stop Finally that girl said something

??:what is this behavior Lucy and jk *angrily* the other girl name is Lucy damn good name I siped my drink and my eyes were stuck ok her

Jk:yaa...luna don't be so angry we are just enjoying *smiles*

Finally I get to know her name Luna wow.....what a name well...she is just like her name I walked little more close to hear there talk well club was very crowded so obviously jk can't abel to see me in the crowd

Luna:ahhh...ok leave it let's go and drink *smiles*

Lucy:by the way what was the meeting about *raised eyebrow*

Luna:oh..actually our coach is getting retired so we all boxers are planning a farewell for him *smiles*

Boxer?she is boxer wait I think I know her actually nevermind I will collect all informations about her till next morning and ahhh...the way she controlled jk and lucy damn I also need a girl like her to control me *smirk*

✔️7 Deadly Sins (Part-2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang