Helping Hands

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The next day

Since he last called, Jungkook and Y/N have not spoken, and Jungkook is currently working on some music .

Jungkook sits down, rolling a blunt, relaxed "ahh, this spot right here." He rolls his eyes as his assistant Lia messages him, "  "What now",  he thinks  do you think he then clicks open to read the message. "Ahh, this bitch Neani is annoying as fuck," he mutters before calling Lia.

"Hello "exclaims Lia.

"Li, please do me a favour and ask Neani to postpone the meeting. I'm working on music and have other things to do. She will comprehend" he says

" Okay, I'll inform her" Lia exhales

He ends the call with, "Thanks, I'll call you later," and Lia waves him off before hanging up.

Jungkook chuckles , "She really thinks she can text me whenever she wants to get dicked down," he says.


Siyeon is also stressed out at the studio, so she decides to look for some help and inspiration. Y/N arrives at the golden tiles; she rushes as Neani and Yoongi wait for her for a brief meeting about her song.

Y/N leaves the meeting and comes back to the studio floor. Y/N notices Jungkook, but she wonders whether to approach him. Y/n is also seen by Jungkook, who initially considers giving her the cold shoulder before deciding to make small talk by calling her over

Slowly approaching him is Y/N. Siyeon appears and calls her name before she has a chance to speak. "Oh, hey, Siyeon," Y/n calls as she turns, and Siyeon hugs her warmly before addressing Jungkook. She asks him, "What's up, Jk?" and he nods politely, "Not much, Siy."

Siyeon diverts her attention back to Y/N, smiling. "It's good to see you; I was looking for you," she says.

"You were," y/n inquires.

"Yeah, I tried to call and message you, but Taehyung gave me the wrong number," Siyeon explains.

"He did let me see," Y/N asks.

Siyeon shows her phone.

"Ahh, he put a seven, but that's supposed to be a six," she explains, changing the number, and Siyeon sighs relief.

"Anyways, what's up? What do you need help with?" she asks, and Siyeon smiles. "Are you busy or are you free right now?" she asks.

Jungkook was about to speak on Y/N's behalf, but she interrupted him. "No, not at all. I am available." Y/N says, ignoring Jungkook glaring at her.

"I remember back in that event when Taehyung first took you in, you said you are a producer and I need your help. Do you mind helping me out?" Siyeon Asks and Y/N shake their heads. "Not at all," she says.

Siyeon grins, grabbing Y/N's arms and linking them with hers. "Great, let's head over to my studio," she says, and the pair make a turn to head over to her studio. Y/N gives Jungkook a polite wave, unaware of how annoyed he is with her.

Jungkook smacks his teeth, annoyed. "Is she serious?" he says, entering back to his music room .

The moment Siyeon opens the door, Y/N's face enlarges. She begins to add, "Ahh, you weren't kidding when you said this was your personal studio; it's so," but Siyeon interrupts her. She comments, "Pink, I know," as she surveys the room of her private studio.

" It is cute. I'm not a girl in pink. Although I prefer earthy tones, the high school version of me would have died for a studio like this" Explains Y/n

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